(A) For all public ways hereafter dedicated and accepted, the minimum right-of-way widths for streets and thoroughfares shall be shown in the Comprehensive Plan, and where not shown therein, the minimum right-of-way width for streets, arterial highways or pedestrian ways included in any subdivision shall not be less than the minimum dimensions for each classification as follows.
Right-of-Way Classification | Desirable Width | Acceptable Width |
Right-of-Way Classification | Desirable Width | Acceptable Width |
Alley | 24 feet | 20 feet |
Collector street | 80 feet | 70 feet |
Cul-de-sac | 60-foot radius | 60-foot radius |
Local street | 60 feet | |
Minor arterial highway, county road | 100 feet | 80 feet |
Pedestrian way, bicycle path | 10 feet* | |
Principal arterial highway | 150 feet | 100 feet |
Service drive | 40 feet | |
NOTES TO TABLE: * See FinnRa Standards | ||
(B) Where existing or anticipated traffic on principal and minor arterial highways warrants greater widths of rights-of-way, these shall be required.
(2004 Code, § 153.74) (Ord. 466, passed 7-15-1995)