§ 153.037 REQUIRED DATA.
   (A)   The preliminary plat shall meet the standards of design as set forth in §§ 153.065 through 153.084 of this chapter.
   (B)   The preliminary plat shall show the following information:
      (1)   Scale of 100 feet to one inch or larger;
      (2)   Name of subdivision, name and address of the owners, the engineer or surveyor and the owners of the adjacent property;
      (3)   Location of subdivision by section, town, range or other legal description together with small scale sketch showing location within the section;
      (4)   Date of preparation and of latest revision (if applicable), approximate north point and graphic scale;
      (5)   Acreage of land to be subdivided;
      (6)   Zoning classification of lands to be subdivided and all adjacent lands within 300 feet of the preliminary plat;
      (7)   Boundary lines of area to be subdivided, their bearings and distances, and total acreage calculated to the nearest one-tenth acre;
      (8)   Existing and proposed easements and their locations, widths and distances;
      (9)   Street, lot line and easement locations within 100 feet of the proposed plat;
      (10)   Shoreland management area boundaries for Campbell Lake, Otter Lake and South Fork Crow River, if applicable;
      (11)   Lot lines, lot numbers and approximate lot dimensions;
      (12)   Sites, bicycle and pedestrian paths and their acreages, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, recreation areas, open spaces, schools or other public uses. Sites, if any, for semi-public, commercial or multi-family uses;
      (13)   Minimum building setback lines;
      (14)   Location of railroads, streams, wetlands, lakes, marshes, wooded areas, drainage tiles, retention ponds, natural and proposed drainage courses, permanent buildings and other structures or significant physical features;
      (15)   If the preliminary plat is a rearrangement or a replat of any recorded plat, the lot and block arrangement of the original plat, its original name and all revised or vacated roadways shall be shown by dotted or dashed lines;
      (16)   Certification by a registered land surveyor certifying to accuracy and preparation of plat;
      (17)   A plan for utility service shall be presented with the preliminary plat. The utility plan shall include utilities on and adjacent to the tract showing proposed connections to existing utility systems. Data to be provided includes types of utility; location of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main lines, manholes, catch basins, hydrants and the like; approximate manhole and catch basin rim and invert elevations; size of pipe; direction of flow; and required utility easements;
      (18)   A plan for grading, retention (per M.S. § 103B.3369, as it may be amended from time to time, known as the Reding Bill), landscaping and wetland preservation, and delineation per the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act, being 103G.221 et seq., as it may be amended from time to time, shall be presented with the preliminary plat. The grading plan shall include:
         (a)   Existing contours at two-foot intervals in dashed lines and proposed contours at two-foot intervals in heavier solid lines;
         (b)   Existing and proposed methods of retention disposing of surface water drainage within and beyond the limits of the plat;
         (c)   Provisions to protect areas affected by inadequate surface drainage or subjected to periodic flooding, provide an outlet or other protection to make the area safe for occupancy and provide for adequate street and lot drainage (i.e. and emergency overflow or pending);
         (d)   Provisions to protect existing natural features, when possible. Wooded and wetland areas to be disturbed shall be delineated. All trees eight inches in diameter or greater shall be shown;
         (e)   Proposed street grades, including elevations at all high and low points, grades of streets within 100 feet of the plat and street elevations at plat boundary;
         (f)   Proposed garage slab and lowest floor elevations for each lot. Lots proposed for walkouts and lookouts shall be so noted; and
         (g)   Floodway, flood fringe boundaries and 100-year flood elevations.
      (19)   Additional information to be supplied includes:
         (a)   Statement of proposed use of lots (i.e., whether residential, commercial, industrial or a combination thereof). If residential, the type and number of dwelling units shall also be stated. There shall be furnished sufficient details for all types of usage in order to reveal the effect of the subdivision development on traffic, fire protection and density of development;
         (b)   If zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the area;
         (c)   Copies of proposed deed restrictions and covenants, if any;
         (d)   Other reasonable information, such as percolation or other soil tests, if so requested by the Planning Commission in order to make a proper review of the site;
         (e)   A location map clearly showing the plat location in the city; and
         (f)   Soil boring and footing load design.
(2004 Code, § 153.37) (Ord. 466, passed 7-15-1995)
   (A)   Prior to submittal of the preliminary plat, in the case of any proposed plat which includes lands abutting upon any existing or established trunk highway or proposed highway which has been designated by a centerline order found in the office of the County Recorder, the plat shall first be presented to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation for his or her written comments and recommendations. The Commissioner of the Department of Transportation shall submit written comments to the city in accordance with state law. In requesting the comments of the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, the subdivider shall include a written statement describing the outlet for and means of disposal of surface water in the proposed platted area. Also, prior to the submission of the preliminary plat which includes or borders on an existing or proposed county road, the plat shall also be presented to the County Engineer requesting written comments and recommendations.
   (B)   Four copies of the preliminary plat and supplementary material specified shall be submitted to the City Administrator for filing with a written application for conditional approval.
   (C)   The City Administrator shall, upon receipt of a preliminary plat, retain one copy, refer one copy to the Zoning Administrator and refer two copies to the Engineer for review as to completeness of information. If found to be incomplete, the application will be returned to the developer. If found to be complete, the plat will be referred to other city department heads, the Utilities Commission, the telephone company and cable television for review as necessary.
   (D)   Upon review by city department heads, the City Forester, the Utilities Commission, the telephone company and cable television, the copy of the plat together with all comments and suggested revisions shall be referred to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. The preliminary plat shall receive the approval of the Engineer as to engineering considerations prior to consideration by the Planning Commission. A certificate of approval by the Engineer shall be attached to the preliminary plat. A letter of recommendation from the City Forester in regard to the preservation and future planting of trees shall also be attached.
   (E)   The city shall notify the subdivider by mail of the time and place of the public hearing not less than five days before the date fixed for the hearing. Similar notice shall be mailed to the owners of the land immediately adjoining the area to be subdivided as shown on the preliminary plat. Time and place of the public hearing shall be published at least once in the official newspaper at least ten days prior to the hearing. The publication shall include a drawing which shows the location of the proposed subdivision.
   (F)   (1)   Within 60 days after the hearing on the preliminary plat, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval, disapproval or approval subject to modification of the plat to the Council. Failure of the Planning Commission to act on the preliminary plat within 60 days shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the plat.
      (2)   If a plat is recommended for disapproval, reasons for that disapproval must be stated in writing. If approval subject to modifications is recommended, the nature of the required modifications shall be indicated in writing. The Planning Commission shall then forward the preliminary plat together with its recommendations to the Council for final action. The preliminary plat shall be approved or disapproved by the Council within 120 days following delivery of an application for a preliminary plat completed in compliance with this chapter unless an extension of the review period has been agreed to by the applicant.
      (3)   The final action of the Council shall be noted on two copies of the preliminary plat with any notations made at the time of approval, disapproval of the specific changes required. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider and the other placed on file in the office of the City Administrator.
   (G)   Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat. The approval of the preliminary plat shall lapse unless a final plat based thereon is submitted within 60 months from the date of that approval. An extension of time may be applied for by the subdivider and granted by the Council.
(2004 Code, § 153.38) (Ord. 466, passed 7-15-1995)
   An application and filing fee will be charged at the time of application for all preliminary and final plats plat to offset administrative costs in processing the application submitted. The fee shall be determined by ordinance and set annually by the City Council on the city’s fee schedule, as it may be amended by City Council from time to time.
(2004 Code, § 153.39) (Ord. 466, passed 7-15-1995; Ord. 08-0514, passed 11-12-2008)