The following requirements are applicable to all subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission.
(A) Pavement widths for arterial and collector streets will be as designated in the Transportation Plan. Where required to be provided as part of the subdivision, the subdivider will be responsible for 37 feet. The difference, if any, between the cost of the portion to be provided at the expense of the subdivider including the cost of curb and gutter, if any, and that of the total width designated in the Transportation Plan shall be borne by the city, the county or the State Department of Transportation where applicable, unless it is determined by the Council that the greater width will benefit the subdivider in proportion to its cost.
(B) Local streets and dead end streets shall have minimum widths of 37 feet. Where curb and gutter is required the total width, back to back of curb, shall be 37 feet. The pavement of a turning circle at the end of a dead end street shall have a minimum paved outside diameter of 53 feet to back of curb.
(C) Alleys shall have minimum paved widths of 20 feet.
(D) Alleys, where permitted, will be constructed with a concrete pavement of a minimum thickness of six inches or of asphaltic concrete of a minimum thickness of four inches mat and ten inches base. This requirement may be varied by the Council if, in its opinion, the requirement imposes too severe a restriction when related to the projected use of the alley.
(E) The subdivider shall grade all streets from property line to property line prior to installation of water and sewer facilities. Centerline street grades are to be established by the subdivider subject to approval of the City Engineer.
(F) The subdivider shall, after grading streets and after sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water mains are in, construct a minimum of six-inch compacted gravel street 37 feet in width. The grading and graveling of the street includes installation of culverts necessary for over the ground drainage until curb and gutter is installed.
(G) Streets shall be graded full width and fully constructed with a concrete pavement of a minimum thickness of six inches or of asphaltic concrete of a minimum thickness of four inches mat and ten inches base, or of a construction standard and material approved by the City Engineer, in writing. If the classification of the street justifies the construction of a thicker section, the additional cost thereof shall be borne by the city, the county or the State Department of Transportation, depending upon the agency having jurisdiction.
(H) The subdivider shall within one year provide for the construction of curb and gutter within the confines of the platted area; provided, however, the Council may extend this period where unusual drainage problems exist and the drainage cannot be installed prior to or with the curb and gutter construction, as outlined in a subdivision agreement.
(I) The subdivider shall within two years provide for the construction of the street surface within the confines of the platted area; provided, however, the Council may extend this period, as outlined in the subdivision agreement.
(2004 Code, § 153.75) (Ord. 466, passed 7-15-1995)