(a)    The City Manager, in their capacity as chief administrative and Safety Services
officer of the City, is hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions, including executing contracts for and on behalf of the City, without the approval of the City Council, for the following purposes:
      (1)    Contracts for public improvements, provided that the expenditure per occurrence or series of occurrences does not exceed the amount set forth in Section 159.05(a);
      (2)    Contracts necessitated by emergency circumstances, as set forth in Section 159.06;
      (3)    License and vendor agreements for the reasonable and limited and/or incidental use and access of City property, including in and to the rights of way, provided that the access is for limited purposes and the contract does not extend beyond a period of one year;
      (4)   Agreements for the reasonable and limited use and access of City property for placement of banners and signage, as set forth in Chapter 1129 of the Codified Ordinances;
      (5)    Agreements and/or granting permission to permit maintenance, repairs and replacements of infrastructure and/or improvements in the City right-of-way and/or on City property that pertain to then-existing easements, rights-of-way, or other conditions or encumbrances of record that grant property interests in and to City property;
      (6)    Undertake any and all other expenditures, transactions, and all other activities that serve to promote and permit the ongoing efficient daily operations and functions of the City that the City Manager deems to be in the best interest of the City and that, in the City Manager's discretion, may reasonably be transacted or undertaken without consent of the City Council, provided that the transaction does not exceed the amount set forth in Section 159.05(a) per occurrence or series of occurrences and the transaction will not extend beyond a period of one year provided, however, that there shall be no monetary limitations or caps for amendments to and modifications of existing written agreements, or entering into and executing new written agreements by and on behalf of the City, for power portfolio purchases pertaining to Huron Public Power and/or Huron Public Power customers due to the ever-changing, and occasionally volatile, nature of the energy markets.
   (b)    The City Manager shall not knowingly have any conflict of interest in violation of the Ohio Revised Code in any contract entered into as City Manager for and on behalf of the City.
   (c)    The City Manager is authorized to issue any and all permits or grant approvals required or permitted by then-existing Ordinances, including but not limited to permits for signage.
(Ord. 2022-50. Passed 10-11-22.)