1113.01    Intent; procedure dependent upon improvements.
1113.02   Review and approval by Planning Commission.
1113.03   Preapplication action.
1113.04   Submission of sketch plan.
1113.045   Proposed lots which do not meet zoning requirements.
1113.05   Classification of minor subdivision.
1113.06   Approval of minor subdivision.
1113.07   Recording of minor subdivisions.
1113.08   Approval of preliminary plan of major subdivision.
1113.09   Approval of final plat of major subdivision.
1113.10   Record plat.
1113.11   Construction of improvements or performance guarantees.
1113.12   Public land within subdivision.
1113.13   Recording of approved final plat.
1113.14   Outline of procedures.
Fee of designated public land to vest when plat recorded - see Ohio R.C. 711.07
Plat approval required - see Ohio R.C. 711.09
Council to hold public hearing - see Ohio R.C. 711.09, 711.101, 711.132
Street acceptance - see Ohio R.C. 711.091
Approval without plat - see Ohio R.C. 711.131
Planning Commission may accept modifications - see P. & Z. 1111.05
Fee deposit required - see P. & Z. 1111.06
Topographic map may be required - see P. & Z. 1115.02
Construction plan required - see P. & Z. 1117.01