1111.01 General purpose.
1111.02 Specific purposes.
1111.03 Definitions; compliance.
1111.04 Adoption; effective date; repeal.
1111.05 Modifications.
1111.06 Fee deposit.
1111.07 Validity.
1111.99 Penalty.
State definitions - see Ohio R.C. 711.001
Zoning definitions - see P. & Z. 1121.04
Flood hazard standards - see P. & Z. Ch. 1135
The purpose of this Title One, Subdivision Regulations, shall be to promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity or general welfare of the City. It shall be administered to assure the orderly growth and development of the land.
(Ord. 1961-3. Passed 7-31-61.)
The specific purposes of this Title One, Subdivision Regulations, shall be:
(a) To establish standards of design which will promote harmonious, healthful and stable communities;
(b) To provide safe and convenient traffic circulation, both vehicular and pedestrian;
(c) To assure the efficient, adequate and economic supply of utilities and public services;
(d) To provide ample public open spaces for schools, recreational and other public purposes.
(e) To obtain accurate surveying of land, preparing and recording of plats;
(f) To discourage premature, uneconomic or scattered land developments; and
(g) To coordinate land development in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Thoroughfare Plan and other plans of the City. (Ord. 1961-3. Passed 7-31-61.)