• Section 5.09 Home Occupations.
   Home occupations that are clearly incidental and secondary to the principal residential use are permitted in specific zoning districts; however, the following conditions shall apply:
   (a)   The total floor area utilized by the home occupation shall not exceed an area defined as not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total floor area of any one (1) story of the residential premises so used.
   (b)   The home occupation shall involve no employees on the premises, other than members of the immediate family residing on the premises.
   (c)   All home occupation activities shall be conducted indoors, except gardening.
   (d)   There shall be no outside display of any kind, or other external or visible evidence of the conduct of a home occupation. Signs advertising a home occupation are prohibited.
   (e)   There shall be no vehicular traffic permitted for the home occupation, other than that which is normally generated for a one-family dwelling unit in a residential area, both as to volume and type of vehicles.
   (f)   No home occupation shall be permitted which is injurious or a nuisance to the general character of the residential district or which creates a congested or otherwise hazardous traffic or parking condition.
   (g)   Any uses inconsistent with the home occupation provisions of this Zoning Ordinance shall be permitted to continue, but only until there is any change in the ownership of the land so used from and after the effective date of this section.
   (h)   Any uses inconsistent with the home occupation provisions of this Zoning Ordinance shall have one (1) year from and after the effective date hereof to cease and desist or to comply with this section.