TITLE FOUR - Subdivision Regulations
General Provisions and Definitions
1220.01   Title.
1220.02   Purpose.
1220.03   Legal basis.
1220.04   Scope.
1220.05   Amendments.
1220.06   Severability.
1220.07   Definitions.
   Approval of plats; street system - see M.C.L. Sec. 125.43
   Regulations governing subdivision of land; bond to secure improvement; publication of regulations - see M.C.L. Sec. 125.44
   Approval or disapproval of plats; procedure; effect - see M.C.L. Sec. 125.45
   Certification of city plats - see M.C.L. Secs. 125.51 et seq.
   Utility extensions to new developments - see S.U. & P.S. 1050.01
   Planning Commission - see P. & Z. Ch. 1210
   Subdivision Open Space Plan - see P. & Z. Chapter 1240 (Zoning Code)
   Review of subdivision proposals - see B. & H. 1440.06