(A)   Each application for a permit required by this subchapter shall be accompanied by a detailed explanation, including drawings and diagrams where applicable, of the prospective permittee’s proposed activities.
   (B)   Such submission shall provide the following:
      (1)   The size or area of the property to be used, including a sketch of the filming site showing placement of work trucks, location of production vehicles;
      (2)   Sketch of the “base camp” if any, showing any off-street locations for crew parking, septage facilities, equipment storage, catering, and non-essential production vehicles;
      (3)   Traffic control plan of the exact filing location, listing roads or lanes to be closed, if any;
      (4)   Description of the duration of the proposed activity and daily hours of operation;
      (5)   Facilities for cleanup and waste disposal;
      (6)   Letters of notification to, and signatures acknowledging receipt of notification from, businesses, and residences impacted by the filming as may be required by the Village Manager or his or her designee; and
      (7)   Insurance and bonding arrangements.
(1984 Code, § 8-13-040)