A. Application Of Provisions: The provisions of this section shall not be applied to regulate the use of traditional public forums as alternative channels of communication by the public, provided such use is for the free exercise of constitutionally protected activities and does not disrupt or interfere with traffic on public streets or the use of public places by other members of the public.
B. Purpose Statement: For the purpose of preserving and protecting public discussion on current and topical issues, and in the interest of: 1) the public's comfort and enjoyment of the park/streets; 2) the success of community events and local businesses; 3) safety and protection; 4) convenient flow of pedestrian traffic; 5) noise reduction; 6) litter control; and 7) promotion of aesthetics, the City Council of the City of Holladay hereby adopts the following time, place and manner restrictions on the use of public parks for qualifying activities, as defined in subsection C of this section, during or concurrent with public special events and activities.
C. Definitions: For the purposes of this section, qualifying activities shall mean any special events held on City streets or City property involving the use of any tents, tables, awnings, carts, trailers or vehicles or other temporary structures for the purpose of conveying information, ideas or advertising goods and services. The sale of goods and services during special events shall be governed by subsection G of this section.
D. Restrictions: For the specific purpose of preserving the primary and intended use of City parks and other public property for the benefit of the public, during special events, qualifying activities shall be restricted to those areas set forth in subsection E of this section. Areas identified specifically for the location of the qualifying activities may be closed from time to time for qualifying activities for the preservation of public health and safety. During such times of closure, the City may identify alternative areas for qualifying activities by executive order of the City Manager.
E. Specified Locations: Qualifying activities shall be conducted only within the areas identified below or otherwise designated by executive order of the City Manager.
1. For City Hall Park, the activities shall be located within the graveled area located at the far southern end of the park, or between the Casto Home and the basketball/pickleball courts located at the northwestern end of the park.
2. For the Holladay Village Center Plaza, the activities shall be located on the public sidewalks adjacent to Laney Avenue and 2300 East Street.
F. Sound Amplification: The use of amplification of sound in conjunction with the qualifying activities shall be prohibited.
G. Sales Of Goods And Services: During special events, the sale of goods and services not contemplated in the issued special event permit shall be prohibited. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Form; Information: All applications for special event permits shall be made on a special event permit application form prescribed by the City and shall include the following information:
1. Type and description of event;
2. Name of the sponsoring entity, contact person, address and telephone number;
3. Name of the promoting entity, contact person, address and telephone number;
4. Proposed date, together with beginning and ending times;
5. Proposed location, including barricade plan and route map;
6. Estimated numbers of event staff, participants and spectators;
7. Admission fee, donation, or other consideration to be charged or requested;
8. Signature of applicant; and
9. If the event is a block party, applicant must collect and submit with the application form a list of signatures consenting to the street closure from all neighbors whose vehicular access to their property is affected by the street closure.
B. Obtain From Department: Special event permit application forms may be obtained from the department.
C. Submission; Time Limit: Completed application forms shall be submitted to the department at least thirty (30) calendar days before the event is scheduled to take place, in order to allow sufficient time to process the application and to allow timely appeal to the Mayor in the event the application is denied. Applications submitted less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled event shall be denied unless the applicant demonstrates to the Mayor that compliance with the thirty (30) day deadline was impractical or impossible due to the nature of the event.
D. Advertising: No advertising of a special event shall be permitted until City approval of the special event is granted and a special event permit is issued.
E. Multiple Jurisdictions: Special events which cross or involve multiple governmental jurisdictions shall be approved only if the applicant also obtains formal authorization from all respective governing bodies.
F. Qualifying Activities: Special event permits may include, under the event permit, qualifying activities as defined in subsection 14.56.050C of this chapter. For the temporary duration of special events, the City may also permit the use of mobile trailers or carts for special events. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Approval Of Agencies: Upon receipt of a special event permit application, the department shall circulate copies of the application to the following agencies for the purpose of obtaining their approval or disapproval of the proposed special event:
1. Salt Lake City-County Health Department;
2. The City law enforcement services provider; and
3. Any other City department which is to provide service in connection with the special event.
B. Considerations: In reviewing an application, the departments involved shall consider the following:
1. The impact of the special event on the traffic, security, health and safety of the public;
2. A determination by the department of appropriate and reasonable requirements for the mitigation of traffic, security, health and safety concerns, and an evaluation of the measures proposed by the applicant to satisfy those requirements;
3. The demonstrated ability of the applicant to comply with requirements necessary to protect the safety, health and welfare of the public;
4. The location and duration of the special event and the City's ability to accommodate the event with the necessary resources; and
5. Other previously approved special events that could cause scheduling conflicts during the same period and cause over extension of the City's resources.
C. Additional Requirements Or Conditions: The agencies or departments involved in reviewing an application may impose additional requirements or conditions necessary to protect the public interest by ensuring traffic management, security of property, or the health and safety of the public. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Fee: Each initial application for a special event permit shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as required by title 3, chapter 3.35 of this Code to defray the administrative costs of processing the application.
B. Protection Fees: In order to promote, protect and assure the safety and convenience of the people in their use of public streets and places, the City shall coordinate the use of professional peace officers if the special event requires traffic control or police protection and an additional fee shall be charged by the City to cover the costs incurred. The City shall specify the fee required upon its approval of the special event permit application, based upon the number of officers and amount of support equipment required by such factors as: the date and time of the event; the route location and length; the anticipated traffic and weather conditions; the estimated number of participants and spectators; the nature, composition, format and configuration of the event; and the estimated time for the event. The fee charged for traffic control or police protection shall be paid prior to the issuing of the special event permit.
C. Additional Fees: Additional fees may be charged by the Salt Lake City-County Health Department or other City departments or service providers. Such additional fees shall be specified at the time the department approves the special event permit application and shall be paid directly to the agency prior to the issuing of the special event permit.
D. Exempt From Fees: The following special events shall be exempt from the fees set forth in this section:
1. Political events;
2. Parades of less than one mile in length;
3. School events in the immediate area of the school;
4. Events sponsored in whole by the City; and
5. Block parties. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Approval; Issuance: A special event permit application shall be approved and a permit shall be issued to the applicant by the department upon approval by all affected departments and compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The department shall notify the Mayor, the City Council and all affected agencies of all special events permits issued pursuant to this chapter.
B. Reasons For Denial Specified: If a special event permit application is denied by the department, the reason or reasons for denial shall be provided in writing to the applicant.
C. Authority To Deny: The City reserves the right to deny permit applications for proposed special events which pose a significant danger or threat to the public health, welfare or safety, or which may result in unreasonable inconvenience or cost to the public. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Certificate Of Insurance: No special event permit shall be issued unless and until the applicant has submitted to the department a certificate of insurance, listing the City as an additional insured, on an occurrence policy issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State, showing comprehensive general liability and property damage coverage for the event with minimum limits of: two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for injury or death for one person in any one occurrence; five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for injury or death for two (2) or more persons in any one occurrence; and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for property damage in any one occurrence.
B. Exemptions: The following special events shall be exempt from the insurance requirements set forth in this section:
1. Political events;
2. Parades of less than one mile in length;
3. School events in the immediate area of the school;
4. Events sponsored in whole by the City; and
5. Block parties.
C. Save Harmless Agreement: In consideration for the issuing of a special event permit and the use of City streets or property, the applicant agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend the City, its officers, employees, and volunteers against any claim for loss, damage or expense (including, without limitation, the City Attorney fees and costs, if any) sustained by any person on account of injury, death or property damage occurring by reason of or arising out of the special event. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)