In all cases the abutting property owner who receives the beneficial use of and benefit from protected street trees is to care for and water the same. Failure to care for protected street trees or removal without a tree removal permit is considered a violation of this Code and requires remediation and/or payment of a fine. (Ord. 2019-05, 2-28-2019)
The City, upon giving proper notice to abutting property owner, shall have the authority to remove, trim or prune, or order the removal, pruning or trimming by the abutting property owner of, any tree, tree stump, shrub or vine upon any City roads, avenues, or ways where the tree, tree stump, shrub or vine is dead, diseased or for any other reason undesirable. The City shall have authority to trim or prune any street tree or remove any street tree that is in violation of any City ordinance, without serving notice upon the abutting property owner. (Ord. 2019-05, 2-28-2019)