14.08.010: Jurisdiction And Control
14.08.020: Gifts, Bequests And Donations To City
14.08.030: Contribution Of Property By City
14.08.040: Determination Of Width Of Right Of Way
14.08.050: Preparation And Storage Of Plats And Descriptions
14.08.060: Agreements With Political Subdivisions And Federal Government
14.08.070: Acquisition Of Property And Property Rights For Limited Access Facilities
14.08.080: Authority To Provide And Maintain Limited Access Facilities
14.08.090: Restricting Use Of Highway
14.08.100: Local Service Roads
A. All highways, roads, paths, and ways within the city that are not designated as federal or state, special highways, roads, paths, or ways shall be under the direction and authority of the city. Such roads shall be constructed and maintained by or under the authority of the city from funds made available for that purpose, and the city shall have the authority to expend, or by contract cause to be expended, such funds as are allocated to the city from the state road fund under rules mutually adopted by the city and the state road commission. The amount used annually from the state road fund for this purpose, together with such other amounts from federal, county or other sources as may be made available, shall constitute the funds to be spent in constructing and maintaining class C roads in the city.
B. When in the opinion of the city council the funds available for road purposes from sources other than the levy made against tangible property are adequate to properly construct and maintain the class C roads, the city may cease making a levy for city road purposes, or, at its option, may use any portion of the class C road funds provided by Utah Code Annotated title 27, for the construction and maintenance of class A state roads by cooperative agreement with the state road commission. (1999 Code)