14.56.010: Purpose
14.56.020: Application Of Provisions
14.56.030: Definitions
14.56.040: Permit Required
14.56.050: Qualifying Activities
14.56.060: Permit; Application Procedures
14.56.070: Permit; Application Processing
14.56.080: Permit; Fees
14.56.090: Permit; Approval And Issuance
14.56.100: Permit; Liability Insurance And Indemnification
14.56.110: Appeal Procedures
14.56.120: City Liability
14.56.130: Violation; Penalty
The purpose and intent of this chapter is to establish reasonable and uniform regulations governing the time, place and manner of holding special events on City streets and on City property, in order to promote, protect and assure the safety and convenience of the people in their use of public streets and places. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
This chapter imposes regulatory requirements on certain activities which are held on City streets and property and which are defined as "special events". The requirements imposed by this chapter do not alter, supersede or nullify any requirements contained in other statutes, ordinances or regulations which may also regulate these same activities. These requirements shall be applied in a content-neutral manner and without discrimination as to race, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation or other unlawful discriminatory classification. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
ATHLETIC EVENT: An organized competitive or recreational event in which a group of people collectively engage in a sport or form of physical exercise, including, but not limited to, running, jogging, walking, bicycling or skating, on any City street or City park.
ENTERTAINMENT EVENT: An organized event having as its primary purpose the entertainment or amusement of a group of people, including, but not limited to, parades, carnivals, fairs, concerts, block parties or neighborhood gatherings, on any City street or City park.
POLITICAL EVENT: An organized event, not including an athletic or entertainment event, having as its primary purpose the exercise of expressive activities of a political nature, including, but not limited to, speech making, picketing, protesting, marching, demonstrating or debating public issues, on any City street or City park.
SPECIAL EVENT: Any athletic event, entertainment event or political event, whether held for profit, nonprofit or charitable purposes. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)
A. Application Of Provisions: The provisions of this section shall not be applied to regulate the use of traditional public forums as alternative channels of communication by the public, provided such use is for the free exercise of constitutionally protected activities and does not disrupt or interfere with traffic on public streets or the use of public places by other members of the public.
B. Purpose Statement: For the purpose of preserving and protecting public discussion on current and topical issues, and in the interest of: 1) the public's comfort and enjoyment of the park/streets; 2) the success of community events and local businesses; 3) safety and protection; 4) convenient flow of pedestrian traffic; 5) noise reduction; 6) litter control; and 7) promotion of aesthetics, the City Council of the City of Holladay hereby adopts the following time, place and manner restrictions on the use of public parks for qualifying activities, as defined in subsection C of this section, during or concurrent with public special events and activities.
C. Definitions: For the purposes of this section, qualifying activities shall mean any special events held on City streets or City property involving the use of any tents, tables, awnings, carts, trailers or vehicles or other temporary structures for the purpose of conveying information, ideas or advertising goods and services. The sale of goods and services during special events shall be governed by subsection G of this section.
D. Restrictions: For the specific purpose of preserving the primary and intended use of City parks and other public property for the benefit of the public, during special events, qualifying activities shall be restricted to those areas set forth in subsection E of this section. Areas identified specifically for the location of the qualifying activities may be closed from time to time for qualifying activities for the preservation of public health and safety. During such times of closure, the City may identify alternative areas for qualifying activities by executive order of the City Manager.
E. Specified Locations: Qualifying activities shall be conducted only within the areas identified below or otherwise designated by executive order of the City Manager.
1. For City Hall Park, the activities shall be located within the graveled area located at the far southern end of the park, or between the Casto Home and the basketball/pickleball courts located at the northwestern end of the park.
2. For the Holladay Village Center Plaza, the activities shall be located on the public sidewalks adjacent to Laney Avenue and 2300 East Street.
F. Sound Amplification: The use of amplification of sound in conjunction with the qualifying activities shall be prohibited.
G. Sales Of Goods And Services: During special events, the sale of goods and services not contemplated in the issued special event permit shall be prohibited. (Ord. 2018-14, 6-28-2018)