It is unlawful for any person to construct, place, set, keep or maintain any bridge, sewer, well, spill, or like obstruction, upon, in, under or along any public highway, road, street, avenue, lane, alley, trail, sidewalk or curb ramp in the city, except as designated in this chapter and coordinated with the applicable irrigation company. (1999 Code)
Bridges over any ditch, waterway or opening across any sidewalk shall not be less than the full width of such sidewalk. Bridges over any ditch, waterway or opening across any roadway section of any highway, trail or sidewalk shall not be narrower than the full width of the roadway section. In all cases, bridges shall be set square with the road or sidewalk, and their coverings shall be made to conform to the grade of the road or sidewalk as fixed by the city. All bridges shall be of substantial material and construction, and the plans and specifications shall be approved by the department. Bridges connecting the roadway with the sidewalk shall be made to conform with the established grade of the roadway and sidewalk. (1999 Code)