Registration of Contractors; Building Fees
1329.01   Registration trades.
1329.02   Application; information.
1329.03   License expiration, charge for application.
1329.04   Time limit of permit.
1329.05   Cash bond requirements and Building Trust Fund.
1329.06   Certificate of insurance.
1329.07   Grounds for suspension or nonrenewal.
1329.08   Revocation; appeal to Council.
1329.09   Exceptions to registration.
1329.10   Building, demolition, house moving, sign, curb cut and driveway permit fees.
1329.11   Fees for plumbing and sewer work.
1329.12   Fees for heating, HVAC work.
1329.13   Fees for electrical work.
1329.14   Point of sale inspection fee.
1329.15   Engineering services, inspections, plan review and fees.
1329.16   Cash deposit for additional professional services.
1329.17   State surcharge fees.
1329.18   License bond; attachment of bond.
1329.99   Penalty.
Licensing of contractors - see Ohio R.C. 715.27