General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Running at large
90.03 Property owner; impoundment
90.04 Police; request to take possession
90.05 Return to owner
90.06 Impoundment; board fees
90.07 Owner not found; disposition
90.08 Authority to impound
90.09 Disposition of unredeemed animals
90.10 Disposition of large animals
90.11 Slaughterhouses prohibited; exceptions
90.12 Rabies; disposition of animals afflicted or exposed
90.13 Dead animals; duty to remove
90.14 Dead animals; unlawful acts
90.15 Prohibition against keeping designated animals
90.16 Hen chickens; permit
90.30 License
90.31 License tags
90.32 Wrongful licensing
90.33 Proclamation
90.34 Running at large
90.35 Capture impossible
90.36 Barking and offensive
90.37 Removal of tags
90.38 Impounding
90.39 Rabies suspected
90.40 Harboring dangerous dogs prohibited
90.41 Limitation on number of dogs
90.42 Disposal of dog waste
90.50 Limitation of number of cats
90.51 Definitions
90.52 Endorsement of the trap-neuter-return program; permitted acts
90.99 Penalty