   Every application for water service shall list, on forms provided by HRW, the property owner, the applicant's name, social security number, driver's license number, phone number, and all other relative forms of identification required by HRW, the street on which the lot is located, the number of the house or a description of the lot location, the number of all types of fixtures planned in the building now and proposed for the future, the distance from the property line where service comes from the street to the furthermost point of the building as planned, and the name of the plumber who will do the work. This application shall be filed not less than ten days before the proposed connection is desired. Unusual conditions may be just cause for additional time in providing the services required. When the size of the service and the cost of the connection have been determined, the applicant shall deposit the previously determined cost and shall be issued a permit for the desired connection.
(Ord. passed 6-30-2015; Ord. passed 7-16-2018; Ord. passed 6-15-2020; Ord. passed 11-16-2020)
   If, in the opinion of HRW through its duly constituted authority, the water connection applied for will be of such size or character as to put too great a demand on any part of the system and disrupt the HRW's ordinary water service (500 GPM at 20 PSI residual plus normal service requirements), it shall disapprove the application until such time as adequate means are provided by the applicant to eliminate the unsatisfactory condition. If, at any time, changes are made by a consumer in his service requirements so as to create an unsatisfactory condition in the HRW's water service, HRW shall require the consumer to adopt remedial measures to eliminate the unsatisfactory condition. HRW shall not in any way be responsible for any cost or inconvenience caused by a change in service requirements after an application has been approved, or by an installation before the application has been approved.
(Ord. passed 6-30-2015; Ord. passed 7-16-2018; Ord. passed 6-15-2020; Ord. passed 11-16-2020)
   (A)   Each building shall have a separate meter, and where practicable shall have a separate water lateral.
   (B)   In the event that one lateral is used for two dwellings, commercial, or industrial buildings, or used to serve two or more meters for the same dwelling, commercial, or industrial buildings, a separate cut-off shall be provided for each meter. However, there shall be an exception to the requirement for separate water meters in the case of groups of mobile homes or apartment developments under single ownership. In the case of said groups of mobile homes or apartment developments of more than ten units, one meter shall be used for the entire project unless additional meters are deemed necessary by the proper HRW authority, and the following conditions shall be met:
      (1)   Bills will be rendered to the owner of the property;
      (2)   The bill will be calculated by a minimum charge for the master meter and for each of the total number of units included thereafter, and calculating the remaining bill based on the total consumption passing through the master meter above the minimum; provided, however, owners of ten or fewer multiple units may elect to have water metered directly to each unit and the charge therefore billed directly to the user in each unit; and
      (3)   Should any portion of the development be sold, the owners shall be responsible for paying whatever additional costs would be involved in bringing the divided development into compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. passed 6-30-2015; Ord. passed 7-16-2018; Ord. passed 6-15-2020; Ord. passed 11-16-2020) Penalty, see § 10.99