Upon receipt of any application for a license, accompanied by the proper fee, the Director of Finance, if no approval nor any inspection by any officer required as a condition of issuing the license is yet to be secured or made, shall forthwith issue to the applicant the proper license, and turn the fee in to the Treasury.
If any approval or inspection by any officer required as a condition of issuing the license is yet to be made, the Director of Finance shall hold the fee as a deposit, and shall notify the officer or officers concerned, who shall forthwith make any investigations or inspections required in the circumstances, and report thereon with a statement of approval or disapproval as each case shall require. In case the report is satisfactory or the approval is given, the Director of Finance shall thereupon issue the license and turn the deposit in to the Treasury. In case the report is unsatisfactory or the application is disapproved the Director of Finance shall notify the applicant, and shall return deposit upon demand of the applicant therefor.
The issuance of the license shall be effected by the execution and delivery to the licensee of a proper license certificate in a form determined by the Director of Finance, and over his signature. The Director of Finance shall make an adequate record of all licenses issued.
(1931 Code §50.6210)
No license shall be issued to any person who has evaded or sought to evade the requirement of such license and the payment of the fee therefor in or for any year, or who has engaged in or carried on any business or occupation required to be licensed, without applying for and receiving the requisite license, unless such person shall, in addition to the full annual fee therefor, pay an additional fee in the same amount by way of penalty and unless upon being ordered so to do by the City Manager, he has ceased to conduct or carry on such business or occupation for such period not exceeding thirty days as the Manager may determine.
(1931 Code §50.6260)
No license shall be issued to any person who is not in good faith the genuine party in interest in the business or occupation for which the license is sought. Any transfer, abandonment or other disposal by which the licensee ceases to be the genuine party in interest in such license shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of such license. (1931 Code §50.6265)
No person in applying for a license, or in the course of any investigation, inspection, hearing or other proceeding in respect thereof, shall represent that he is the genuine party in interest in such application or license, when in fact and in good faith he is not such, nor shall he represent that he is not the genuine party in interest therein when in fact and in good faith he is such, nor shall he in any way whatever misrepresent or state falsely any fact or circumstance in relation to any license or application therefor. (1931 Code §50.62651)
Any license issued by the City may be revoked at any time for conditions or considerations which, had they existed at the time of its issuance, would have been valid grounds for its denial; for any unsanitary or dangerous conditions existing on the premises or in the establishment for which the license was issued; or on account of any illegal practices or operations on the part of the licensee, in respect of or by means of such license. No such revocation shall be in effect until notice thereof is served upon the licensee, or posted at the premises affected, which notice shall state the reason for revocation. (1931 Code §50.6310)
As a preliminary to revocation, any license issued by the City may be suspended by order of the Director of Finance, the Chief of Police, the City Manager or any officer having the power or duty of approving or disapproving applications for similar licenses, or of making investigations or inspections for such licenses. Any such suspension shall be put into effect by serving a notice thereof upon the licensee, which notice shall specify the reason for the suspension, and the period of time, in no case exceeding ten days, within which the conditions causing the suspension must be corrected, and shall state that unless such correction is made within such time the license will be revoked. (1931 Code §50.6320)