13-101: Fire Code And Regulations
13-102: Fire Department To Enforce Code
13-103: Limits Within Which Storage Of Flammable Liquids In Outside Aboveground Tanks Is Prohibited (Rep. by Ord. 531, 11-1-2005)
13-104: Limits In Which Bulk Storage Of Liquefied Petroleum Gases Is To Be Restricted (Rep. by Ord. 531, 11-1-2005)
13-105: Limits In Which Storage Of Explosives And Blasting Agents Are Prohibited (Rep. by Ord. 531, 11-1-2005)
13-106: Modifications
13-107: New Materials, Processes, Or Occupancies Which May Require Permits
13-108: Appeals
13-109: Penalties
13-110: Transportation Of Inflammable Liquids
13-111: Outside Burning
13-112: Emergency Vehicle Detector System Required For Gated Communities
13-113: High Security Key Box Required
13-114: Applicable NFPA Codes
A. The regulations of the latest edition of the International Fire Code and its appendices and any revisions or amendments as adopted by the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission pursuant to 59 Oklahoma Statutes 1000.23 and adopted and modified by the State of Oklahoma Fire Marshal are hereby adopted by the City governing the safeguarding of life and property from fire and explosion hazards arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property in the occupancy of buildings and premises as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collections of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said International Fire Code on file in the Office of the City Clerk are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this section.
B. The regulations of the latest edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101, one copy of which has been and now is filed in the Office of the City Clerk and the same, and any future amendments thereto, are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City.
C. Where any provisions contained within the International Fire Code or the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code and its appendices is in conflict with the provisions contained within this Code, the most stringent provision shall prevail. (Ord. 759, 9-4-2018)
A. The Fire Code shall be enforced by the Fire Department of the City, under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. (Prior Code § 8-2; amd. Ord. 531, 11-1-2005)
B. The Chief of the Fire Department may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as may from time to time be necessary. (Prior Code § 8-2)