   The following procedures shall be followed from the time that land to be developed is properly zoned for the proposed development to the completion of all improvements. All plans and documents required herein shall be prepared and submitted at no cost to the City.
   (a)   An owner wishing to develop land shall submit twenty (20) copies of a Development Plan, and such other information as the owner desires, to the Planning Commission a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Commission's meeting. The owner may present additional plans, renderings or other supportive material to the Commission at the meeting. The owner may also submit a Preliminary Plan for comment prior to submitting a Development Plan; however, the comments and discussions rendered by City Officials concerning the Preliminary Plan shall in no way be binding upon the City when the owner submits the Development Plan for final approval and these comments and discussions rendered should not be relied upon by the owner, when submitting for approval a Development Plan.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C67-94. Passed 10-3-94; Ord. C65-97. Passed 11-17-97; Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
   (b)   The Commission shall examine and take action on the Development Plan within forty- five days after it has been filed. Upon approval or disapproval by the Commission, the Development Plan, together with the Commission's recommendations, shall be forwarded to Council for its approval or denial. The decision of Council shall be final and shall be considered a legislative act. The approval of a Development Plan shall be effective for a maximum period of twelve months. If Construction Plans, Grading Plans and specifications have not been submitted to the Building Department within the twelve months, the approval of the Planning Commission and Council shall be null and void. If a Building Permit has not been issued within eighteen months of the legislative approval of the Development Plan, such approval shall be null and void. (Ord. C16-85. Passed 3-18-85; Ord. C4-98. Passed 2-2-98.)
   (c)   Upon approval of the Development Plan, a plat shall be submitted for land being subdivided. The plat shall be submitted and processed in the manner required for the Development Plan. After approval by Council, the owner may elect to construct certain portions or all of the public improvements prior to filing and recording of the plat. Such an election by the owner does not relieve the owner of the requirement to provide public improvements in accordance with Chapters 1101 and 1103 of the Codified Ordinances. At such time as the owner desires to file and record the plat with the County Recorder, the owner shall guarantee the construction of the public improvements in accordance with Section 1101.10(g).
   (d)   Following the approval of the Development Plan, the owner shall submit a completed application and the required number of copies of Construction Plans and Grading Plans to the Development Department, along with an itemized construction cost estimate for the proposed improvements and the prescribed engineering plan review fee as established in the Fee Recovery Policy for Use of Consulting Architects and Engineers.(Ord. C38-76. Passed 4-19-76; Ord. C24-10. Passed 6-7-10.)
   (e)   The City's Consulting Engineer shall review the plans and subject to his satisfaction, they shall be approved or returned with comments. The cost of this review shall be paid for by the developer in accordance with the prescribed architectural and engineering plan review fee as established in the Fee Recovery Policy for Use of Consulting Architects and Engineers. (Ord. C24-10. Passed 6-7-10.)
   (f)   Upon approval of the Construction and Grading Plans, four sets of Construction Plans and two copies of the Grading Plans shall be given to the Engineer, a developer's agreement in such form and such terms as are required by the Engineer and Director of Law, shall be signed and all appropriate fees, bond and deposits shall be made, executed and deposited with the City.
   (g)   Construction shall not begin on the development unit forty-eight hours after completion of all requirements listed in subsections (a) to (f) hereof, shall be performed and completed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1103.
   (h)   When the proper City officials have affixed their signatures to a set of tracings, such tracings become the property of and will remain in the custody of the City, except that the developer will be required to correct the plans to conform to the “as built” conditions. Public improvements will not be accepted by the City until the “as built” tracings are delivered to the Engineer together with two prints thereof.
   (i)   In order to be heard by the Planning Commission, a fee of $150 for a Preliminary Development Plan, $300 for a Development Plan, or $50 for a Plat, payable to the City for deposit in the General Fund, shall accompany the application or petition. In addition to the application or petition fee, the prescribed review fees as established in the Fee Recovery Policy for Use of Consulting Architects and Engineers shall also accompany the application or petition, payable to the City for deposit in a deposit trust account. These fees are for the purpose of defraying the costs of plan review, legal, legislation, notices, official publications required by the City and any other incurred costs and shall not be refundable even if the application is disapproved by the Planning Commission or Council.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C49-01. Passed 8-6-01; Ord. C24-10. Passed 6-7-10.)
1101.08   PLAN CONTENT.
   The following items shall be included in the plans and agreements submitted to the City. These items establish the minimum required to adequately describe a development.
   (a)   A Development Plan shall include:
      (1)   Proposed name of the development and its location;
      (2)   Names and addresses of owners and developers;
      (3)   Date, north arrow and plan scale. Scale shall be one inch equals 100 feet or larger scale;
      (4)   Boundary lines of the proposed development and the total approximate acreage encompassed therein;
      (5)   Locations, widths and names of all existing public streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights of way or easements, parks and other public open spaces, permanent structures and section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract;
      (6)   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground facilities within the tract, adjacent to the tract or that will be used in developing the tract, indicating pipe sizes, grades and locations;
      (7)   The adjoining lines of adjacent tracts, parcels or lots;
      (8)   Existing zoning restrictions;
      (9)   Existing ground configuration, drainage channels, wooded areas, watercourses and other significant physical features;
      (10)   Layout of proposed streets, including their names and rights of way, easements, sewers, waterlines, culverts and other major improvements;
      (11)   Layout, numbering and dimensions of lots if more than one;
      (12)   Layout, location and dimensions of proposed structures, not required for subdivision;
      (13)   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or reserved by deed covenant with the condition proposed for such covenant, and for the dedications;
      (14)   Building setback lines with dimensions;
      (15)   Tentative street grades and sewer size and slope;
      (16)   Driveway plan in conformance with Chapter 1105 entitled “Driveway Plan Approval”;
(Ord. C79-87. Passed 9-8-87.)
      (17)   Color rendering of building(s), complete with a listing of all colors, including Pantone 1999-2000 Reference Numbers or if Pantone is not available, the manufacturer's reference/serial number with sample, and materials, with samples, to be used.
      (18)   If a Homeowner’s Association is to be established for the requested development, the following shall be required.
         A.   Plan shall show the entry sign(s) to the subdivision and it shall denote “A Private Homeowner’s Association”;
         B.   A notation on the plan shall stipulate that:
            1.   A copy of the deed restrictions shall be posted in all model homes;
            2.   The builder shall keep on file a signed deed restriction disclosure statement from each new home buyer.
(Ord. C39-00. Passed 5-15-00; Ord. C06-06. Passed 3-6-06.)
   (b)   A plat shall include:
      (1)   The boundary of the development, based on an accurate transverse with dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds;
      (2)   The municipal, township, county, section or adjacent property lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings;
      (3)   The radii, central angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings and lengths of all chord dimensions;
      (4)   All lot lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds;
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
      (5)   All lot numbers indicated on the plat must match the lot number on the approved development plan;
(Ord. C61-03. Passed 7-21-03.)
      (6)   An accurate location of all monuments and of all iron pins to be set on street right of way lines at street intersections and at the beginning and end of curves.
(Ord. C68-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
      (7)   The exact location, width and name of all existing streets, easements and public lands;
      (8)   The name and location of the development;
      (9)   The names of owners;
      (10)   The date, north arrow and scale of plat. The scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet or a larger scale;
      (11)   The names and deed book references of adjacent property owners;
      (12)   An accurate boundary data of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of all property owners;
      (13)   A certificate by a registered land surveyor that the premises covered by the plat have been surveyed, that the plat is correct and that the monuments shown on the plat will be set in accordance with Section 1101.051.
(Ord. C68-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
      (14)   A notarized certification by the owner or owners of their adoption of the plat and the dedication of the streets and other public areas to public use as is shown on the plat;
      (15)   Proper form for the approval of the Planning Commission with space for signatures;
      (16)   A space for approval signatures of the City Engineer, Director of Public Service and Mayor;
      (17)   A proper form for approval and acceptance by Council, with space for ordinance number and also space for the signature and certification of the Clerk of Council;
      (18)   The space for notation of transfer by the County Auditor and recording by the County Recorder.
      (19)   A reproduced cloth print of the plat, as recorded, shall be furnished to the Engineer within thirty days after recording and prior to the beginning of the construction of any streets and utilities.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
      (20)   For plats that are tied to an approved development text, all notes indicating restrictions are to be shown on the plat. (C61-03. Passed 7-21-03.)
   (c)   Construction Plans shall be prepared for all sanitary sewers, water mains, pavements, sidewalks and storm sewers which are proposed for construction. Construction Plans shall also include an erosion and sedimentation control plan consistent with the requirements of the “Authorization for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” (also known as the ‘NPDES Construction Permit’), as promulgated and updated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. C26-04. Passed 5-5-04.)
      (1)   All plans shall be made on tracing cloth sizes 24 inches by 36 inches, with a one-inch border on the left and a one-half inch border around the balance of the sheet. The proposed work shall be shown in both plan and profile, and in sufficient detail to clearly show all work to be done. In general, the scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet horizontal and one inch equals five feet or one inch equals ten feet vertical, except where necessary to show details or special work. Plans shall contain general notes and a summary of estimated quantities. All drawings shall be made in ink and a title block shall be included in the lower right hand corner of each sheet except on the title sheet. Spaces shall be provided on the first sheet for the approval signatures of the City Engineer, Director of Public Services, Director of Public Safety, Administrative Assistant and Mayor. On drawings for water lines, an additional space shall be provided for the signature of the Director of Public Service of the City of Columbus.
      (2)   The general notes shall include a reference to the specifications required in Chapter 1103.
      (3)   Supplemental specifications may be submitted as separate documents on eight and one-half by eleven inch typewritten paper or may be added onto the tracings.
      (4)   The first sheet for all plans shall include location map, development title, required signature spaces, standard drawing lists and index when required.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C69-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
      (5)   Construction plans shall also include an erosion and sedimentation control plan consistent with the requirements of the “Authorization for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” (also known as the 'NPDES Construction Permit'), as promulgated and updated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. C19-03. Passed 4-7-03.)
   (d)   A Grading Plan shall be prepared for all development covered under this regulation. The Grading Plan may be combined with other plans, if such a combination is neat and the information easily read. The Grading Plan shall show:
      (1)   The development title, sheet scale, north arrow and location map, unless it is made a part of Construction Plans. The scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet or a larger scale;
      (2)   The floor elevations for first floor and all floors below grade of proposal structures;
      (3)   The proposed elevations, slopes and grade of the site improvements;
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
      (4)   The finished grade of a residential lot, at any point, shall not exceed the maximum elevation of the top of the curb measured at the lot curb line more than three feet.
      (5)   The slope of driveways serving single-family residences shall maintain a slope of not less than three percent (3%) and no greater than ten percent (10%).
(Ord. C22-88. Passed 4-18-88.)
   (a)   Recreation Development Fees. In addition to the fees and deposits required by other sections of the Codified Ordinances, a recreation development fee shall be paid by the developer in accordance with the following schedule:
      (1)   For each single-family dwelling constructed in:
         2004 - $200      2005 and thereafter - $550
      (2)   For each unit in a multifamily dwelling constructed in:
         2004 - $200      2005 and thereafter - $550
(Ord. C109-89. Passed 12-18-89.)
      (3)   For each office, commercial or industrial development: two hundred dollars ($200) per acre of the development plus two cents ($.02) per square foot for all buildings within the development. The minimum fee for each office, commercial or industrial development shall be two hundred dollars ($200).
      (4)   No fee shall be imposed for any alteration, addition or modification to an existing dwelling, except that at such time as an existing office, commercial or industrial building is altered, enlarged or modified to provide additional floor area, the foot fees as established in subsection (a)(3) hereof shall be collected for additional floor area.
      (5)   At such time as an existing dwelling is changed to office, commercial or industrial use, the fees as described in subsection (a)(3) hereof shall be paid.
(Ord. C37-81. Passed 8-3-81.)
      (6)   The fees so collected shall be deposited in a Recreation Development Fund for use in helping to construct, erect, purchase or otherwise obtain or upgrade parks and recreational facilities.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
   (b)   Public Sites/Open Space Requirements.
      (1)   Upon the submission of a proposed residential development there shall be dedicated on said plan, areas dedicated to the city for public purposes, or reserved for park, playground, recreational, educational or open space. Said dedication shall be exclusive of public right-of-way and any street, road, highway, sidewalk, entrance feature areas, landscape areas without recreational amenities (i.e. buffer landscaping adjacent to right- of-way) and areas within the 100-year floodplain. The dedicated land can include passive recreational areas including bike paths, certain commercial recreational areas, tree stands or dedicated green space and storm water retention areas (not detention or dry basins) that meet the city’s pond design criteria and are incorporated into the overall development plan for aesthetic purposes. In the event that a storm-water retention area is proposed to be dedicated to satisfy the provisions of this section the same shall not constitute more than 15% of the area dedication required by this provision. In addition, areas containing overhead utilities and/or easements may be used to meet the land requirement only if approved by Planning Commission and City Council.
      (2)   The foregoing is intended as examples of appropriate public site/open space dedication and not as an exclusive list. Appropriate public site/open space dedication shall be determined as set forth below:
         A.   The goal of the city is to provide 20 acres of appropriate open space/public land or other recreational areas for every 1,000 residents.
         B.   The land dedication requirement of this section shall be computed as follows for single-family developments:
            1.   Determine the number of proposed single-family dwelling units;
            2.   Multiply the number of proposed units times the “average single-family household size” as established by the most current U.S. Census Summary of Occupancy and Housing Characteristics for Grove City. The current figure according to the 2000 census data is 2.73 occupants per household;
            3.   Divide the figure determined in subsection (B)(2) hereof by 1,000 (people); and
            4.   Multiply the figure determined in subsection (B)(3) hereof by 20 (acres/1,000 people). This figure represents the amount of acreage that must be dedicated to satisfy the public sites/open space requirements of this section for single-family developments.
         C.   The land dedication requirement of this section shall be computed as follows for all other residential developments:
            1.   Determine the number of proposed dwelling units;
            2.   Multiply the number of proposed units times the “average multi-family household size” as established by the most current U.S. Census Summary of Occupancy and Housing Characteristics for Grove City. The current figure according to the 2000 census data is 2.29 occupants per household;
            3.   Divide the figure determined in subsection (C)(2) hereof by 1,000 (people); and
            4.   Multiply the figure determined in subsection (C)(3) hereof by 20 (acres/1,000 people). This figure represents the amount of acreage that must be dedicated to satisfy the public sites/open space requirement of this section for other than single-family developments.
         D.   For developments that include both single-family and non-single-family residential units, the respective calculations shall be made for the entire site.
      (3)   The proposed dedicated land, together with the restriction imposed on the same, must be deemed to be appropriate by the Planning Commission and City Council before the development plan and/or plat is approved. The Planning Commission and City Council shall determine the dedicated land to be appropriate only if the proposed dedicated land can be used to accomplish the goals of this section and the provisions of subsection (1) and (2) hereof. When making a determination of whether the proposed dedicated land is appropriate, the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the comments received through the administrative review process. Other information and comments that the Planning Commission and City Council deems appropriate may be used in determining the appropriateness of the land to be dedicated.
      (4)   To the extent that the required land dedication established by this section is not sufficient either because no land is dedicated or the land that is proposed for dedication is determined not to be appropriate due to size, configuration, location or type, by the Planning Commission and City Council, then a monitory payment shall be made. All payments made pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in the Recreation Development Fund.
      (5)   Calculation of the monitory payment in lieu of land shall be made as follows and paid prior to the approval of the record plat:
         A.   Determine the total amount of acreage required pursuant to subsections (2)B., (2)C. and (2)D. hereof;
         B.   Subtract the total amount of acreage approved as appropriate by the Commission and City Council, pursuant to subsection (3) hereof;
         C.   Multiply the amount of acreage determined above by $30,000 which represents the average cost of an acre of developed park land; and
      (6)   All public sites/open space shall be deemed final by dedication through an approved plat or dedication ordinance by Council.
      (7)   Deviations from the foregoing requirements regarding either the Land Contribution or the Park Fee may be granted for “good cause”. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as requiring the grant of any deviations. “Good cause” shall be limited to situations where the applicant is providing significant infrastructure improvements that benefit areas outside the proposed development area or contributing land directly to the school district for school purposes.
   (c)    Urban Forestry Fees. In addition to the fees and deposits required by the Codified Ordinances, an urban forestry fee shall be paid by the builder in accordance with the following schedule:
      (1)   For all newly developed single family residential lots: $400 per lot.
      (2)   The fees so collected shall be deposited in the Community Environment Fund for the exclusive use of purchasing, planting, replacement and maintenance of trees and administration of the urban forestry program.
(Ord. C18-99. Passed 7-6-99. Ord. C94-04. Passed 10-18-04.)
   In consideration of the approval of the Construction and Grading Plans, the owner of the land being developed shall be subject to the following regulations:
   (a)   No lot, parcel or tract shall be transferred from the proposed development nor shall any construction work on such development, including tree removal and grading, be started that may affect the arrangements of public streets or other public improvements until the owner has obtained the necessary approvals of the Construction and Grading Plans and obtained the necessary tree removal approvals from the Service Director, his or her designee or the Urban Forester;
(Ord. C18-99. Passed 7-6-99.)
   (b)   No conveyance shall be made of any lot or parcel smaller in frontage or area than indicated on the plat except for the purpose of increasing the area of another lot;
   (c)   All construction work and materials used in connection with improvements shall conform to the requirements of the City and be installed under the City Engineer's general supervision at no expense to the City;
   (d)   The Engineer shall be notified in writing three days before any construction is to begin. The Service Director, his or her designee or the Urban Forester shall be notified in writing three business days before any tree removal is to begin;
(Ord. C18-99. Passed 7-6-99.)
   (e)   The owner shall hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims for damage of every nature arising or growing out of the construction of improvements or resulting from improvements and shall defend, at his own cost and expense, any suit or action brought against the City by reason thereof, except such liability of the City resulting from its sole negligence;
   (f)   All improvements and utilities will be satisfactorily installed within one year from the date of approval of the Construction Plans or within such time schedule as presented and approved by Council;
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
   (g)   Upon filing of the plat or easements for public improvements, the construction of the public improvements shall be guaranteed by filing with the City evidence satisfactory to the Director of Public Service of one of the following:
      (1)   A performance bond equal to the estimated construction cost as approved by the City Engineer for the public improvements;
      (2)   A certified check equal to fifty percent of the estimated construction cost as approved by the City Engineer for the public improvement; or
      (3)   Subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, a certification to the City by the institution, person or corporation financing the construction of the public improvements stipulating that the funds in the amount of the estimated construction cost are available and set aside from all other funds;
      That these funds will not be released to the owner, developer, or their agent, unless a release is signed by the City;
      That such release by the City only certifies that as best as the City can determine, the construction was completed to the City's satisfaction and does not relieve the owner and/or developer of the City's maintenance guarantee requirement;
      That ten percent of all moneys released will be placed in an escrow account for use by the City should there be cause for the City to have to finish any work through the default, neglect or negligence of the owner, developer, or their agents;
      That only the City shall have the right to release the funds in the escrow account; and
      That acceptance of the public improvements by the City and the posting of the one year maintenance guarantee shall constitute release of the funds in the escrow account lacking any formal release by the City.
(Ord. C44-77. Passed 5-16-77.)
   (h)   All permits and approvals shall be obtained and all fees and deposits paid prior to beginning any construction of any improvements;
   (i)   During construction and prior to acceptance of any public improvement, the owner shall remove or cause to be removed such dirt and debris and foreign matter from all public rights of way, improvements and/or easements as were deposited, left or resulted from the construction of improvements of any nature within the development, within twenty-four hours after being notified by the City that such work is required. Such removal shall be done to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service;
   (j)   Execute a development agreement in such form and on such terms and conditions as specified by the Engineer and Director of Law;
   (k)   No person or owner shall violate any of the regulations established in this section and upon violation the City shall have the right to:
      (1)   Stop all work on the development site forthwith;
      (2)   Hold the bonding company responsible for the completion of the public improvement according to the approved construction drawing and the agreement;
      (3)   Use the certified check, if any, or proceeds thereof, for the purpose stated in subsection (k)(2); (Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
      (4)   Use the funds in the escrow account to continue any unfinished work or replace any unaccepted work to a point that to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service all public improvements will not create a health or safety hazard or create maintenance or repair expense to the city because of their state of completion.
(Ord. C 42-75. Passed 6-23-75.)
      (5)   Proceed in the manner described and the penalties provided for in Section 1103.99.
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
   In consideration for the agreement by the developer and/or owner of the land being developed to install utilities and/or streets to sizes and configurations in excess of the needs of the land being developed, as defined herein, the City shall share in the cost of the excess size and configuration of the utilities and/or streets as stipulated herein.
   (a)   A utility or street shall be considered excessive to needs of the land being developed when:
      (1)   The City specifically requires a size or configuration for the purpose of meeting the future needs of the City as provided for in approved systems studies or by ordinance.
      (2)   There is additional pavement width and depth and additional length of storm sewers and other improvements required for all thoroughfares.
      (3)   The City requests that a waterline be twelve inches in diameter or more when such size is not required to meet the needs of the land being developed.
      (4)   A sanitary sewer line is twelve inches in diameter or more unless this size is required for the land being developed by reason of grade or trench loading requirements of the land being developed or because of anticipated flow from the land being developed.
      (5)   Other conditions warrant cost sharing and such conditions are approved by Council.
   (b)   The City shall share in the cost of improvements by:
      (1)   Paying for the material costs only for the size difference of the waterline, sanitary sewer pipe and the appurtenances thereto between what is required for the land being developed and what is excessive to the needs of the land being developed.
      (2)   Paying for the materials F.O.B. the plant in the quantities necessary to equal the cost of providing the excessive pavement width and depth for all thoroughfares.
      (3)   Paying for the materials F.O.B. the plant, factory, supply depot or warehouse for such other improvements that are excessive to the land being developed as approved under subsection (a)(5) hereof.
      (4)   Paying a proportionate share of the engineering and design costs for preparing the construction plans for an improvement excessive to the needs of the land being developed when such excessive improvements eligible for cost share require more than oversizing of waterlines, sanitary sewer lines and appurtenances thereto or additional pavement width or depth.
   (c)   Nothing in this section shall be interpreted, read or construed to obligate the City for expenses incurred by the City, developer, owner, contractor, subcontractor or other persons because of:
      (1)   Equipment or labor cost due to the oversizing or increased depth of waterlines or sewers;
      (2)   Equipment, labor or material cost due to improperly and/or unacceptable installed improvements including the removal and replacement thereof; or
      (3)   Any improvements installed prior to the approval of the cost sharing by the City.
   (d)   Upon approval by Council of the Development Plan for the land being developed, the following procedure shall be followed:
      (1)   The City Engineer shall identify all improvements eligible for cost sharing;
      (2)   The Engineer shall estimate the cost of the City's portion of such improvements;
      (3)   An ordinance shall be submitted to Council for approval, appropriating funds to cover the City's portion;
      (4)   Upon completion and acceptance of the work and quantities thereof by the Engineer, the costs shall be certified to the Administrative Assistant by the Engineer.
   (e)   Failure of the developer or the owner of the land at the time of the improvements construction to provide the Engineer with copies of billings, invoices, contracts, agreements or such other evidence of costs as the Engineer deems necessary within six months of completion and acceptance of the improvements by the City shall constitute just cause to declare the City's agreement to cost share as provided herein null and void and no reimbursement shall be made or moneys paid without reapproval of Council.
(Ord. C60-74. Passed 9-16-74.)
   (f)   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Subsection 1101.11(f) was repealed by Ordinance C23-84, passed April 2, 1984.)