The following items shall be included in the plans and agreements submitted to the City. These items establish the minimum required to adequately describe a development.
(a) A Development Plan shall include:
(1) Proposed name of the development and its location;
(2) Names and addresses of owners and developers;
(3) Date, north arrow and plan scale. Scale shall be one inch equals 100 feet or larger scale;
(4) Boundary lines of the proposed development and the total approximate acreage encompassed therein;
(5) Locations, widths and names of all existing public streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights of way or easements, parks and other public open spaces, permanent structures and section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the tract;
(6) Existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other underground facilities within the tract, adjacent to the tract or that will be used in developing the tract, indicating pipe sizes, grades and locations;
(7) The adjoining lines of adjacent tracts, parcels or lots;
(8) Existing zoning restrictions;
(9) Existing ground configuration, drainage channels, wooded areas, watercourses and other significant physical features;
(10) Layout of proposed streets, including their names and rights of way, easements, sewers, waterlines, culverts and other major improvements;
(11) Layout, numbering and dimensions of lots if more than one;
(12) Layout, location and dimensions of proposed structures, not required for subdivision;
(13) Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or reserved by deed covenant with the condition proposed for such covenant, and for the dedications;
(14) Building setback lines with dimensions;
(15) Tentative street grades and sewer size and slope;
(16) Driveway plan in conformance with Chapter 1105 entitled “Driveway Plan Approval”;
(Ord. C79-87. Passed 9-8-87.)
(17) Color rendering of building(s), complete with a listing of all colors, including Pantone 1999-2000 Reference Numbers or if Pantone is not available, the manufacturer's reference/serial number with sample, and materials, with samples, to be used.
(18) If a Homeowner’s Association is to be established for the requested development, the following shall be required.
A. Plan shall show the entry sign(s) to the subdivision and it shall denote “A Private Homeowner’s Association”;
B. A notation on the plan shall stipulate that:
1. A copy of the deed restrictions shall be posted in all model homes;
2. The builder shall keep on file a signed deed restriction disclosure statement from each new home buyer.
(Ord. C39-00. Passed 5-15-00; Ord. C06-06. Passed 3-6-06.)
(b) A plat shall include:
(1) The boundary of the development, based on an accurate transverse with dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds;
(2) The municipal, township, county, section or adjacent property lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and bearings;
(3) The radii, central angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings and lengths of all chord dimensions;
(4) All lot lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds;
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(5) All lot numbers indicated on the plat must match the lot number on the approved development plan;
(Ord. C61-03. Passed 7-21-03.)
(6) An accurate location of all monuments and of all iron pins to be set on street right of way lines at street intersections and at the beginning and end of curves.
(Ord. C68-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
(7) The exact location, width and name of all existing streets, easements and public lands;
(8) The name and location of the development;
(9) The names of owners;
(10) The date, north arrow and scale of plat. The scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet or a larger scale;
(11) The names and deed book references of adjacent property owners;
(12) An accurate boundary data of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of all property owners;
(13) A certificate by a registered land surveyor that the premises covered by the plat have been surveyed, that the plat is correct and that the monuments shown on the plat will be set in accordance with Section 1101.051.
(Ord. C68-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
(14) A notarized certification by the owner or owners of their adoption of the plat and the dedication of the streets and other public areas to public use as is shown on the plat;
(15) Proper form for the approval of the Planning Commission with space for signatures;
(16) A space for approval signatures of the City Engineer, Director of Public Service and Mayor;
(17) A proper form for approval and acceptance by Council, with space for ordinance number and also space for the signature and certification of the Clerk of Council;
(18) The space for notation of transfer by the County Auditor and recording by the County Recorder.
(19) A reproduced cloth print of the plat, as recorded, shall be furnished to the Engineer within thirty days after recording and prior to the beginning of the construction of any streets and utilities.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(20) For plats that are tied to an approved development text, all notes indicating restrictions are to be shown on the plat. (C61-03. Passed 7-21-03.)
(c) Construction Plans shall be prepared for all sanitary sewers, water mains, pavements, sidewalks and storm sewers which are proposed for construction. Construction Plans shall also include an erosion and sedimentation control plan consistent with the requirements of the “Authorization for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” (also known as the ‘NPDES Construction Permit’), as promulgated and updated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. C26-04. Passed 5-5-04.)
(1) All plans shall be made on tracing cloth sizes 24 inches by 36 inches, with a one-inch border on the left and a one-half inch border around the balance of the sheet. The proposed work shall be shown in both plan and profile, and in sufficient detail to clearly show all work to be done. In general, the scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet horizontal and one inch equals five feet or one inch equals ten feet vertical, except where necessary to show details or special work. Plans shall contain general notes and a summary of estimated quantities. All drawings shall be made in ink and a title block shall be included in the lower right hand corner of each sheet except on the title sheet. Spaces shall be provided on the first sheet for the approval signatures of the City Engineer, Director of Public Services, Director of Public Safety, Administrative Assistant and Mayor. On drawings for water lines, an additional space shall be provided for the signature of the Director of Public Service of the City of Columbus.
(2) The general notes shall include a reference to the specifications required in Chapter 1103.
(3) Supplemental specifications may be submitted as separate documents on eight and one-half by eleven inch typewritten paper or may be added onto the tracings.
(4) The first sheet for all plans shall include location map, development title, required signature spaces, standard drawing lists and index when required.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C69-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
(5) Construction plans shall also include an erosion and sedimentation control plan consistent with the requirements of the “Authorization for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System” (also known as the 'NPDES Construction Permit'), as promulgated and updated by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. C19-03. Passed 4-7-03.)
(d) A Grading Plan shall be prepared for all development covered under this regulation. The Grading Plan may be combined with other plans, if such a combination is neat and the information easily read. The Grading Plan shall show:
(1) The development title, sheet scale, north arrow and location map, unless it is made a part of Construction Plans. The scale shall be one inch equals fifty feet or a larger scale;
(2) The floor elevations for first floor and all floors below grade of proposal structures;
(3) The proposed elevations, slopes and grade of the site improvements;
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(4) The finished grade of a residential lot, at any point, shall not exceed the maximum elevation of the top of the curb measured at the lot curb line more than three feet.
(5) The slope of driveways serving single-family residences shall maintain a slope of not less than three percent (3%) and no greater than ten percent (10%).
(Ord. C22-88. Passed 4-18-88.)