(a) The criteria and procedures established in this chapter pertain to providing public and/or private streets, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, driveways, water lines, grading of land, siting of structures and all other site work outside the exterior limits of a structure or structures, including the appurtances and associated items, all in accordance with the standard drawing requirements stated herein.
(b) This chapter covers all improvements or developments of land in the City except:
(1) The construction of a single or two family dwelling on a platted or subdivided lot;
(2) The alteration, modification or other work on or about an existing structure when such work does not change, require a change of or add to the site improvements. The rearranging of rooms in a building without adding floor space does not require compliance with this chapter. The addition to an existing building or the changing of a building's use that increases the parking needs does require compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(a) When there appears to be, or there is in fact, a conflict between this chapter and Title Three - Zoning Code, the Zoning Code shall govern.
(b) In addition to the requirements established herein, all required work shall be performed in the manner required and to the minimums established by Chapter 1103.
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
As used in this chapter and Chapter 1103:
(a) “Building setback line” means a line parallel to and at a fixed distance from the street, the purpose of which is to establish the minimum distance from a building to the street right-of-way line.
(b) “Easement” means a right or privilege of use of land as distinct from fee simple ownership.
(c) “Development” means the improvement of a tract or parcel of land.
(d) “Improvements” means any addition to the natural state of land which increases its value or utility, including buildings, street pavements with or without curbs and gutters, sidewalks, crosswalks, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers. landscaping, street lighting, public utilities, paved parking areas and other appropriate items.
(1) “Site improvements” means the improvements made to the land outside the exterior limits of a structure or structures.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(2) “Public improvements” means all improvements financed entirely or in part by public funds or which have been dedicated to public use by plat, easement or deed of transfer.
(Ord. C38-76. Passed 4-19-76.)
(e) “Lot” means a representation of a portion of the earth's surface drawn to scale.
(f) “Parcel” means a specific part of a larger acreage of land.
(g) “Plan” means a drawing showing the proportion and relation of parts of improvements to each other and their surroundings.
(1) “Construction Plan” means a plan which gives information required to construct improvements including plan views, sections, profiles, details, quantities, reference specifications and standard drawings.
(2) “Development Plan” means a plan which shows the existing ground and the proposed improvements on a tract or parcel of land in enough detail to establish the scope of the improvements, their relationship to the tract and surrounding tracts and to establish the development's compliance with, or to identify the variations from, these Codified Ordinances.
(3) “Grading Plan” means a plan which shows the proposed grades for the development in a manner that reflects the scope of earthwork required and the finished site grades.
(4) “Site Plan” means a plan which shows information concerning all the site improvements and their relationship to each other and the final shape and configuration of the site with improvements.
(5) “Plat” means a plan of a tract or parcel of land made by a surveyor registered in the State of Ohio showing public dedications, property lines, lot lines and such other information as is required herein.
(h) “Right of way” means the strip of land dedicated or otherwise acquired for use by the public for a public street.
(i) “Sidewalk” means a paved portion of a street lying outside the curb lines or edge of pavement of a roadway, intended for pedestrian use.
(j) “Street” means any avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway or other way for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, excluding driveways into single or two family dwellings or access to commercial or business establishments and their parking facilities. Streets shall be classified as follows:
(1) “Cul-de-sac” means a residential street having but one end open for motor traffic and the other end permanently terminated by a vehicular turn-around. A cul-de-sac shall not exceed 1,000 feet in length.
(2) “Dead-end street” means a street with only one outlet.
(3) “Freeway (limited access highway)” means a strip of public land devoted to rapid movement of vehicular traffic to which the abutting property owners have only a limited right of access.
(4) “Industrial street” means one which is intended to carry heavy vehicular traffic primarily serving light or heavy industrial establishments.
(5) “Local street” means a street on which the majority of the traffic originates or terminates in the abutting properties.
(6) “Primary arterial” means an arterial street or highway which serves as an outlet for a group of secondary collector, and local streets.
(7) “Private street” means a strip of privately owned land providing access to abutting properties.
(8) “Public street” means a strip of land providing access to abutting property as dedicated upon a plat which has been duly approved, filed and recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
(9) “Residential street” means one which primarily serves dwelling units.
(10) “Secondary street” means a street which serves as a collector for local streets.
(Ord. C-13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(k) “Street right-of-way line” means the line, sometimes referred to as the property line, between a lot and the area dedicated or otherwise acquired by the City for public street purposes, otherwise known as dedicated right of way.
(l) “Subdivision” means a development of land that includes any one or more of the following:
(1) An unimproved tract of land surveyed and divided into lots for purpose of sale;
(2) A division of land into two or more lots, tracts, sites or parcels, either one being less than three acres;
(3) The dedication of a road, street or highway for public use through any area regardless of size; or
(4) A resubdivision of a vacated former subdivision divided into lots, tracts, sites or parcels.
(m) “Tract” means a continuous expanse of land.
(n) “Walk-way” means a dedicated public right of way limited to pedestrian traffic.
(nn) “ Wet facilities” means a pond or lake designed to permanently hold water at a minimum low water depth of ten (10) feet.
(o) “Zoning” means City regulations and limitations, by districts, of the height, area and use of buildings, the use of lands and the density of population.
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C1-03. Passed 1-21-03; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(p) “Zoning Code” means Title Three of Part Eleven - Planning and Zoning Code of these Codified Ordinances.
The following standards are established as minimum requirements for the layout and design of site improvements for development of land in the City. Any deviation from these standards must be approved by the Planning Commission and Council. All development plans shall have provisions for the future development of adjoining land including such utility and street extensions as are necessary to serve the adjoining land.
(a) Streets shall be designed and laid out in accordance with the typical sections and standards as set forth in the Grove City Standard Drawings, as established by the City Engineer, titled “Standard Construction Drawings” the City Thoroughfare Map, and the requirements of this chapter.
(1) Primary and secondary streets shall have a maximum grade of five percent;
(2) All other streets and alleys shall have a maximum grade of eight percent;
(3) The minimum grade for any street at the gutter shall be four-tenths percent;
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(4) Streets shall be laid out so that their intersections with other streets are at least 200 feet apart. The angle of the intersection of any two streets shall vary no more than five degrees from being perpendicular or radial.
(Ord. C51-75. Passed 8-4-75; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(5) The names of new streets shall not duplicate names of existing dedicated streets except that new streets which are extensions of existing streets shall bear the names of such existing streets.
(6) When the developer desires to improve only a portion of the streets in a development, preliminary street grades and drainage facilities for the entire development shall be submitted. The developer shall not discontinue a street improvement in the middle of a block, but each proposed section shall begin and terminate at a street intersection or cross street.
(7) A. Pavement and right of way minimum widths shall be as follows:
Type of Street | Face to Face Curb (feet) | Right of Way (feet) |
Primary Arterial | 68 | 100 |
Secondary Street | 44 | 80 |
Collector Street | 36 | 70 |
Residential/Local | 32 | 60 |
Cul-de-sac | 28 | 60 |
Private | 26 | n/a |
Access Road & Alley | 26 | 50 |
(Ord. C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03)
B. Primary arterials, secondary streets, collector streets, shall be located in developments as shown on the Grove City “THOROUGHFARE MAP, City of Grove City, Ohio.” The specific location of thoroughfares in undeveloped areas may be altered with the approval of the Planning Commission from the Thoroughfare Plan's general location in order to improve the compatibility of the thoroughfare with the proposed development.
C. On-street parking is prohibited for all streets that do not have curbing or curb and gutter. Omission of curbing or curb and gutter requires Planning Commission approval. On-street parking is prohibited on all streets designated primary arterial and secondary street.
(Ord. C 4-74. Passed 1-21-74; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(b) Every residential lot shall abut on a public street. A lot shall not border more than one public street except at intersections and when one such border is on a limited access freeway. At the intersection of two streets, property line corners shall be rounded by an arc of a minimum of a ten foot radius. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles with or radial to the street line. Lots shall be of adequate size and shape to accommodate the off-street parking requirements and to meet front, side and rear yard requirements of the Zoning Code.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(c) The maximum length of blocks shall not exceed 800 feet.
(Ord. C20-82. Passed 4-19-82; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(d) Sites as required by the City for parks, playgrounds, schools or other public use shall be reserved for a period of two years after the recording of a plat. If the site or sites have not been purchased or secured by option within two years, the developer is free to dispose of or use the reserved land.
(e) Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four feet on residential streets. Widths on other streets will be subject to approval of the City Engineer and the Planning Commission.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(f) All easements granted to or reserved by the City shall be at least twenty feet wide, unless a lesser easement is approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. C51-75. Passed 8-4-75; Ord. C13-03. Passed 3-3-03.)
(g) The Director of Public Service shall be responsible for enforcement of the Stormwater Design Requirements and shall not allow any development of land unless such development meets the design requirements specified in Chapter 971 and the City of Grove City's Stormwater Design Manual adopted by City Council. The Stormwater Design Manual shall be available on the City's website and hardcopies are on file with and available from the Director of Public Service and Clerk of Council. All natural open watercourses shall be protected by establishing a Stream Corridor Protection Zone as specified in the City's Stormwater Design Manual. All stormwater controls shall be designed in accordance with the design specifications provided in the City's Stormwater Design Manual. Storm drainage systems for land being developed or improved shall be designed so that the peak rate of stormwater runoff after development does not exceed the peak rate of runoff before development for all storms, from the critical storm up to a 100 year frequency-twenty-four hour storm, and does not exceed the peak rate of runoff for a one year frequency storm before development of the land for all storms, from a one year frequency-twenty-four hour storm through the critical storm. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(1) The critical storm shall be determined by:
Determining the total volume of runoff from a one year frequency-twenty-four hour storm occurring over the area before and after development.
Determining the percent of increase in volume due to development and using this percentage and picking the critical storm from the following table:
If the percentage of increase in volume of runoff is | ||
equal to or greater than | and less than | The critical storm for discharge limitation will be: |
- | 10 | 1 year |
10 | 20 | 2 years |
20 | 50 | 5 years |
50 | 100 | 10 years |
100 | 250 | 25 years |
250 | 500 | 50 years |
500 | - | 100 years |
(2) Storage volume does not have to be provided for off-site upstream runoff. Flow from such areas will be routed through the development's drainage system at a rate determined in the same manner as the on-site system. Off-site land uses and the associated drainage systems prevailing at the time of development shall be considered as the pre-development condition for the purpose of calculating the flows to be routed through the development.
(3) The development's interior drainage system shall be designed per the design storm standards as outlined within the City’s Stormwater Design Manual, except that the year frequency twenty-four hour storm that is compatible with the existing drainage system shall be used when connecting directly to the existing system with the conduit flowing full with surcharge to the gutter line and the:
Depth of flow in natural channels being no more than bank full stage, backwater effects considered.
Depth of flow in artificial channels being no more than 0.8 bank full stage and the velocity being less than seven feet per second, unless special channel lining and erosion protection is provided.
Flow in roadside ditches being within the right-of-way and the velocity of the design being less than six feet per second with grass swales or ten feet per second with paved ditches.
Depth of flow in streets with curb and gutter being less than the curb height and the velocity of flow in the gutter at design depth being less than ten feet per second.
Street drainage shall be designed per the pavement spread standards as outlined within the City’s Stormwater Design Manual. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(4) The development's interior drainage system shall be designed so that it can carry the runoff from a 100 year frequency twenty-four hour storm with the conduits carrying not more than one-half their design capacity; the water running not more than eighteen inches deep at the gutter line on local streets, six inches deep at the crown on thoroughfares and six inches deep in parking stall areas of parking lots; the overland and channel flows being within easements and at least five feet horizontally and one foot vertically away from any ground level entrance to a residential, office, commercial or industrial building; and without endangering property or public safety through erosion or high velocities.
(5) For peak flow rate analysis, the 12-hour rainfall depths, shown on Table 3-3 from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14, Sullivant Avenue Station 33-1781, shall be used. The Midwest Climate Center Bulletin 71, Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the Midwest, shall be used as the reference document for selection of a rainfall distribution. For quantitative controls the Bulletin 71, 2nd Quartile, 0-10 square mile, 50% curve, and 12-hour duration storm shall be used. If required for water quality peak flow rate calculations, the 1st Quartile, 0-10 square mile, 50% curve, and 2-hour duration storm shall be used and the runoff curve number shall be calibrated to match or exceed the Ohio EPA water quality volume. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(6) Except as modified in the Codified Ordinances, the City’s Stormwater Design Manual shall be used as the guide for designing storm drainage systems; however, storm drainage system designs that meet the intent and requirements of this subsection may be used. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(Ord. C99-77. Passed 12-19-77; Ord. C5-78. Passed. 1-16-78; Ord. C1-03. Passed 1-21-03.)
(7) Any portion of the drainage system, including on-site and offsite storage facilities, that is constructed by the developer will be continuously maintained by the owner or owners subsequent in title of the affected lands unless it is officially accepted by the City for City maintenance. The developer shall cause the maintenance obligation to be inserted in the chain of title to the affected lands as a covenant running with the land in favor of the City. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(8) All natural open watercourses shall be protected using the City of Grove City Stormwater Design Manual.
(Ord. C26-04. Passed 4-5-04; Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(h) Sanitary sewers shall be designed to maintain a minimum velocity of two feet per second. The minimum pipe diameter shall be eight inches. The sewer pipe shall be designed to carry peak flows resulting from average daily flows as indicated on the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency's “Sewage Flow Guides” for specific development improvements. Peak flows shall be obtained by using a diminishing conversion factor of from 3.4 for small flows to 1.8 for flows around fifty cubic feet per second as shown on the Grove City Sanitary Sewer Conversion Chart.
(i) The design for sewer conduit(pipe) shall conform to the requirements of the Grove City Standard Drawings, using pipe strong enough, in conjunction with the specified beddings, to withstand the trench loading and line loadings imposed now or in the known future.
(Ord. C99-77. Passed 12-19-77.)
(j) Waterlines shall be designed to meet the City of Columbus' design and material criteria and shall conform to their standard drawings. The minimum size waterline with fire hydrants shall be eight inches in diameter. Fire hydrants shall be spaced so that any point of an inhabited building can be reached by less than 300 feet of fire hose from the first hydrant and 500 feet of hose from the second hydrant. All fire hydrants shall conform to the Grove City Standard Drawings. In addition thereto, waterlines shall be sized and designed, and fire hydrants located so that the fire flows per structure as shown in the latest “Guide for Determination of Required Fire Flow”, Insurance Service Office, can be obtained based on sufficient water and pressure being available to the development.
(k) All surface areas not covered by a hard surface improvement or stone shall be seeded or sodded and sloped to drain.
(1) Grass areas shall have a minimum slope or grade of eight-tenths percent.
(2) Grass areas next to buildings shall slope away from the building at five percent for a minimum of ten feet.
(3) Ditches in grassed areas with a bottom slope or grade between two percent and seven percent shall be sodded.
(4) Ditches with a bottom slope or grade greater than seven percent shall have a paved or stone gutter as required by the City Engineer.
(l) All elevations and grades shall be based on sea level datum (U.S.G.S.).
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(m) Street lighting shall be provided on public streets by means of lighting assemblies, mounted on aluminum poles or decorative poles so approved by the Director of Public Service. These assemblies s and underground cables shall be located three feet in back of the street curb and beyond the edge of the paved shoulder for uncurbed streets. The assembly shall be installed not less than 250 feet nor more than 350 feet apart. One assembly shall be located within 200 feet on the end of each cul-de-sac. One assembly shall be located at each street intersection. Blocks shorter than 500 feet apart shall not require an intermediate lighting assembly. (Ord. C55-15. Passed 9-8-15.)
(Ord. C10-89. Passed 2-6-89.)
Monuments shall be placed at each change of direction of a subdivision, dedication or development boundary at the point of intersection of the centerlines of all streets, at the beginning and end of each street centerline curve and at the center of each cul-de-sac. Monuments in the street centerlines shall be placed upon the completion of paving. Monuments outside of the street pavement shall be placed or verified upon the completion of work in the immediate area of the monuments' location. Monuments on the street centerline shall be railroad spikes not less than six inches long or three-quarters inch by thirty inch solid iron bars with the exact point marked with a center punch or “X”. The tops of monuments on the street centerline shall be set at least one-quarter inch below the pavement surface. Monuments outside the paved area shall be three-quarter inch by thirty inch iron pipe.
(Ord. C68-77. Passed 9-19-77.)
The owner of any land who desires to develop shall provide and pay the entire cost of improvements to such land as follows:
(a) Streets and parking areas, graded full width and paved, including drainage structures, bridges, sidewalks, curbing and other improvements as shown on the Standard Drawings;
(b) Sanitary sewers, including manholes, services and all appurtenances;
(c) Water distribution system including mains, services, valves, fire hydrants and all appurtenances;
(d) Storm sewers, including manholes, inlets and all the appurtenances;
(e) Monuments and stakes;
(f) Street signs designating the name of each street at each intersection within the development. Street signs shall conform to the standard established by the City;
(Ord.C 60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(g) Street lighting including poles, underground conduits and appurtenances;
(Ord. C66-74. Passed 10-21-74.)
(h) All other improvements shown on the plans as approved by the City.
(Ord. C60-73. Passed 8-6-73.)
(i) No aboveground utilities shall be permitted in any zoning district regardless of location. All service, utility and fire hydrants shall be approved by the City Engineer, Director of Public Service and appropriate Township Fire Officials, and shall comply with the City's Standard Construction Drawings.
(j) If, in the opinion of the owner of any subdivision, or a portion thereof, or any interested utility company, the installation of underground facilities is economically or physically infeasible, such owner or utility company shall apply to the Planning Commission for exemption of the subdivision or portion thereof from the requirements of this section when submitting both preliminary and final application forms as provided by the City. Such exemption request shall include the reasons therefor, and submittal therewith of appropriate exhibits, documents and data as may be necessary to substantiate the request. The Planning Commission shall review the request as part approval and/or denial of the preliminary or final plan.
(Ord. C10-89. Passed 2-6-89.)
(k) Mailboxes as approved by the Planning Commission for each parcel or lot.
(Ord. C50-89. Passed 7-17-89.)