(a) There is created in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, a Park Board consisting of five citizens appointed by the Mayor for overlapping terms of four years. All persons presently serving on the Park Board shall be deemed appointed and serving under this chapter.
(b) The Park Board shall elect its own chairperson and recording secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of all business within its jurisdiction.
(c) No compensation shall be paid to members of the Park Board. Expenses of members shall be submitted and paid in accordance with existing ordinances.
(d) Each member of the Park Board shall give an oath pursuant to Charter Section 9.01.
(Ord. C93-88. Passed 9-19-88).
The duties of the Park Board shall be as follows: To study the problems and determine the needs of the City relating to park lands and recreational facilities, the purchase, development and maintenance thereof; to advise the Mayor, Director of Parks and Recreation, members of Council and other City officials of the needs of the City in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation; advise as to the acquisition of parks, playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums and/or recreation centers and to advise the Mayor, Director of Parks and Recreation, members of Council and other City officials concerning the operation, improvement and/or maintenance thereof; to advise the City, with respect to the expenditures of moneys, charges or admissions for the use of parks and the raising of revenue for the acquisition, operation, maintenance or improvement of parks or recreation facilities and the use of any special gifts or special assessments to the City for park or recreation purposes.
(Ord. C26-81. Passed 6-1-81.)
The Park Board shall hold meetings at least once every three months and keep a record of its proceedings. Three members constitute a quorum, however, no action of the Board shall be adopted unless three members vote in its favor. An official copy of the Board's proceedings shall be filed with the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. C93-88. Passed 9-19-88.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 157.04 was repealed by Ordinance C93-88, passed September 19, 1988.)