Department of Finance
139.01   Director.
139.02   Powers and duties of department.
139.03   Records.
139.04   Expense proration.
139.05   Bidding purchases and procedures.
139.06   Fund investment.
139.07   Schedule of fees.
   Administrative departments - see CHTR. 3.08
   Fiscal year - see CHTR. 5.01
   Tax budget preparation - see CHTR. 5.02
   Public hearing on estimates - see CHTR. 5.03
   Appropriation ordinance - see CHTR. 5.05, 5.06
   Allotments - see CHTR. 5.07
   Transfer of funds - see CHTR. 5.08
   Prohibited contracts and expenditures - see CHTR. 5.09
   Certificate of Director - see CHTR. 5.10
   Contracts - see CHTR. 5.11
   Fees - see CHTR. 5.12
   Central purchasing - see CHTR. 5.13
   Competitive bidding - see CHTR. 5.14
   Power to incur debt - see CHTR. 6.02
   Deposit of public moneys - see Ohio R.C. 117.17
   Treasury investment - see Ohio R.C. 731.56 et seq.
   Powers of Administrative Assistant as City Purchasing Agent - see ADM. 133.04, 133.05
   Bond - see ADM. 159.01
   Inventory of City property - see ADM. 159.06
   Municipal income tax responsibilities of Director - see ADM. 191.09, 191.10
   Director to issue junk yard licenses - see BUS. REG. 721.02(a)