Ord. No. | Date of Adoption | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | Date of Adoption | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
1-10-2017 | Granting a maximum outbuilding size variance Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
1-31-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
1-31-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
2-14-2017 | Amending UDO Use Matrix Table Sections Affected: | |
2-14-2017 | Granting a conditional use for single-family detached dwelling Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
3-14-2017 | Amending Supplemental Use Regulations Sections Affected: Ch. 153, Division 16, 153.1380 (Added) | |
3-14-2017 | Amending UDO Use Matrix Table Sections Affected: | |
3-14-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
4-11-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
4-11-2017 | Authorizing the sale of personal property Sections Affected: | |
5-9-2017 | Amending Chapter 94: Health and Sanitation Sections Affected: | |
5-9-2017 | Amending Chapter 90: Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles Sections Affected: | |
5-9-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
6-28-2017 | Granting a zoning change Sections Affected: | |
6-28-2017 | Vacating an alley Sections Affected: | |
6-28-2017 | Vacating an alley Sections Affected: | |
6-28-2017 | Amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control Sections Affected: | |
6-28-2017 | Prevailing wage rates for laborers, workmen and mechanics Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
7-11-2017 | Appropriations Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
8-14-2017 | Approving amended Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
8-14-2017 | Revenue Bonds Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
8-14-2017 | Residency requirements for department heads Sections Affected: | |
9-12-2017 | Adopting 2015 International Codes: Building, Residential, Fire, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Energy Conservation, Property Maintenance, Zoning, Existing Building, Swimming Pool and Spa Sections Affected: | |
9-12-2017 | Licensing of establishments with video gaming to operate raffles Sections Affected: | |
10-10-2017 | Unified Development Code Sections Affected: | |
10-10-2017 | Granting a Conditional Use Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
10-10-2017 | Sale of Personal Property Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
10-10-2017 | Rotating Mayor Pro Tem Schedule Sections Affected: | |
11-14-2017 | Granting a variance for privacy fence | |
11-14-2017 | Requirements for operation on non-highway vehicles on city streets Sections Affected: | |
11-14-2017 | Amending City Council Sections Affected: | |
12-12-2017 | Personnel Policies Sections Affected: | |
12-12-2017 | Board of Police Commissioners Sections Affected: | |
12-12-2017 | Parking for Persons with Disabilities Sections Affected: | |
12-12-2017 | Granting a Variance Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |
12-12-2017 | Granting a Variance Sections Affected: Not Codifiable | |