Councilors shall respect the separation between policy-making and administration by:
   (A)   Not attempting to influence or coerce the City Manager concerning personnel or purchasing, as outlined in Section 24 (10) of the City Charter;
   (B)   Addressing all inquiries and requests for information from staff to the City Manager and allowing sufficient time for response. At the discretion of the Manager, inquiries may be forwarded to the full Council for consideration;
   (C)   Limiting individual contacts with city officers and employees so as not to influence staff decisions or recommendations, undermine the authority of supervisors, or prevent the full Council from having the benefit of any information received;
   (D)   Honoring the confidentiality of discussions with the City Attorney; and
   (E)   Attempting to work together with the staff as a team in a spirit of mutual confidence and support.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)