   Comments from persons other than the Council, City Manager, or City Attorney will be entertained only during the part of the agenda where public comments are permitted or at the discretion of the presiding officer. The person addressing the Council shall first ask to be recognized and then give his or her name and address for the record. Persons addressing the Council shall also complete an information card for the record and return it to the City Recorder. All remarks shall be directed to the whole Council and the presiding officer may limit comments or refuse recognition if the remarks become irrelevant, repetitious, personal, impertinent, or slanderous. In the event a member of the audience refuses to abide by the presiding officer’s order, that person may be denied further opportunity to address the Council and may be removed upon order of the presiding officer. The order in which audience comments are received is left to the discretion of the presiding officer, subject to these rules. The presiding officer may request that a spokesperson be selected for a group of persons wishing to speak.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)
   Written communications addressed to the Council shall be forwarded to the Council by submission to the City Manager prior to the meeting to be placed with the agenda materials or by submission to the presiding officer during the meeting. The presiding officer shall announce the submission of any written communication and reference shall be entered in the minutes.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)
   (A)   Public hearings include all items on the agenda on which the public has the right to be heard by law. The order of presentation of testimony at public hearings is as follows:
      (1)   Staff report;
      (2)   Correspondence;
      (3)   Applicant’s presentation;
      (4)   Other testimony in favor of the application;
      (5)   Opponent’s testimony;
      (6)   Neutral testimony;
      (7)   Additional staff comments;
      (8)   Questions and answers and general comments (at the discretion of the presiding officer); and
      (9)   Applicant’s final remarks.
   (B)   Following the presentation of testimony, the presiding officer shall close the hearing and ask for discussion among the Councilors. No further testimony or evidence will be accepted without approval of the presiding officer. All hearings shall be conducted in a fair and open manner. Councilors shall particularly observe the requirements of hearings on land use matters dealing with ex parte contacts.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)
   Councilors shall respect the separation between policy-making and administration by:
   (A)   Not attempting to influence or coerce the City Manager concerning personnel or purchasing, as outlined in Section 24 (10) of the City Charter;
   (B)   Addressing all inquiries and requests for information from staff to the City Manager and allowing sufficient time for response. At the discretion of the Manager, inquiries may be forwarded to the full Council for consideration;
   (C)   Limiting individual contacts with city officers and employees so as not to influence staff decisions or recommendations, undermine the authority of supervisors, or prevent the full Council from having the benefit of any information received;
   (D)   Honoring the confidentiality of discussions with the City Attorney; and
   (E)   Attempting to work together with the staff as a team in a spirit of mutual confidence and support.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)
§ 31.074 COMPLAINTS.
   Complaints concerning city policies shall be addressed to and heard by the Council. Complaints concerning actions of city boards and commissions shall be referred to the particular body for comment. All complaints with respect to the management of the city or the actions of any city employee shall be referred to the City Manager for action. The Manager may be requested to provide the Council a written report of the resolution of the complaint. In all instances, deemed appropriate by the Council, the Council may investigate or cause to be investigated through a formal hearing or otherwise the administration of any department.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)