Section 23.
   Mayor. The mayor shall sign all approved records of proceedings of the council. The mayor shall have the power, subject to confirmation by the council, to appoint members of committees established by council rules.
Section 24.
   City Manager.
   (1)   The city manager is the administrative head of the city government.
   (2)   A majority of the council may appoint and may remove the manager. The appointment shall be without regard to political considerations and solely on the basis of administrative qualifications.
   (3)   The manager need not reside in the city or the State of Oregon when appointed.
   (4)   Upon accepting the appointment, the manager shall furnish the city a bond in an amount and with a surety approved by the council. The city shall pay the bond premium.
   (5)   The manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed at the discretion of the council.
   (6)   The manager shall:
      (a)   Attend all council meeting unless excused by the council or mayor,
      (b)   Keep the council advised of the affairs and needs of the city,
      (c)   See that the provisions of all ordinances are administered to the satisfaction of the council,
      (d)   See that all terms of franchises, leases, contracts, permits, and privileges granted by the city are fulfilled,
      (e)   Appoint, discipline and remove employees,
      (f)   Supervise and control the manager’s appointees in their service to the city,
      (g)   Organize and reorganize the departmental structure of city government as needed,
      (h)   Prepare and transmit to the council an annual city budget,
      (i)   Supervise city contracts,
      (j)   Supervise operations of all city-owned public utilities and property; and
      (k)   Perform other duties as the council prescribes consistently with this charter.
   (7)   The manager may not control:
      (a)   The council;
      (b)   The municipal judge in the exercise of the judge’s judicial functions; or
      (c)   Except as the council authorizes, appointive personnel of the city whom the manager does not appoint.
   (8)   The manager and other personnel whom the council designates may sit with the council but may not vote on questions before it. The manager may take part in all council discussions.
   (9)   When the manager is absent from the city or disabled from acting as manager, or when the office of manager becomes vacant, the council may appoint a manager pro tem, who has the powers and duties of a manager, except that the manager pro tem may appoint or remove personnel only with approval of the council. No person may be manager pro tem for more than six consecutive months.
   (10)   Except in council meetings, no council member may directly or indirectly, by suggestion or otherwise, attempt to influence the manager or a candidate for the office of the manager in the appointment, discipline, or removal of personnel or in decisions regarding city property or contracts. Any councilor violating this prohibition may be removed from office by a court of competent jurisdiction. In council meetings, members of the council may discuss with, or suggest to, the manager anything pertinent to City affairs.
Section 25.
   Municipal Court.
   (1)   The office of municipal judge shall be filled by the council by appointment, of which the appointee shall hold within the city at a place and time that the council specifies, a court known as the Municipal Court for the City of Glendale, Douglas County, Oregon.
   (2)   Except as this Charter or ordinance prescribes to the contrary, proceedings of the court shall conform to general laws of the State of Oregon governing justices of the peace and justice courts.
   (3)   All area within the city and, to the extent provided by Oregon law, areas outside the city within the control of the city is within the territorial jurisdiction of the court.
   (4)   The municipal court has jurisdiction over every ordinance prescribing a penalty, may impose penalties, enforce forfeitures or other sanctions which such ordinances may prescribe.
   (5)   The municipal judge shall have such powers as may be conferred upon municipal courts by the Oregon Constitution, the laws of the State of Oregon and ordinances of the city.
   (6)   The council may authorize the municipal judge to appoint municipal judges pro tem for terms of office set by the judge or the council.
   (7)   Notwithstanding this section, the council may transfer some or all of the functions of the municipal court to a court of competent jurisdiction of the State of Oregon.