Comments from persons other than the Council, City Manager, or City Attorney will be entertained only during the part of the agenda where public comments are permitted or at the discretion of the presiding officer. The person addressing the Council shall first ask to be recognized and then give his or her name and address for the record. Persons addressing the Council shall also complete an information card for the record and return it to the City Recorder. All remarks shall be directed to the whole Council and the presiding officer may limit comments or refuse recognition if the remarks become irrelevant, repetitious, personal, impertinent, or slanderous. In the event a member of the audience refuses to abide by the presiding officer’s order, that person may be denied further opportunity to address the Council and may be removed upon order of the presiding officer. The order in which audience comments are received is left to the discretion of the presiding officer, subject to these rules. The presiding officer may request that a spokesperson be selected for a group of persons wishing to speak.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)