(A)   Public hearings include all items on the agenda on which the public has the right to be heard by law. The order of presentation of testimony at public hearings is as follows:
      (1)   Staff report;
      (2)   Correspondence;
      (3)   Applicant’s presentation;
      (4)   Other testimony in favor of the application;
      (5)   Opponent’s testimony;
      (6)   Neutral testimony;
      (7)   Additional staff comments;
      (8)   Questions and answers and general comments (at the discretion of the presiding officer); and
      (9)   Applicant’s final remarks.
   (B)   Following the presentation of testimony, the presiding officer shall close the hearing and ask for discussion among the Councilors. No further testimony or evidence will be accepted without approval of the presiding officer. All hearings shall be conducted in a fair and open manner. Councilors shall particularly observe the requirements of hearings on land use matters dealing with ex parte contacts.
(Ord. 10-2000, passed 3-15-2000)