5-105 SIGNS
   A.   Purposes. The regulation of signs by this Code is intended to promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by reducing the depreciation of property values caused by signs that are incompatible with surrounding land uses; by creating a more attractive economic and business climate within the business districts of the Village; by enhancing and protecting the physical appearance of all areas of the Village; by protecting signs from obstruction by other signs; and by reducing the distractions, obstructions, and hazards to pedestrian and auto traffic caused by the indiscriminate placement and use of signs.
   B.   Scope. The regulations of this Section shall govern and control the erection, enlargement, expansion, alteration, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of all signs within the Village visible from any street, sidewalk, or public or private common open space. Any sign not expressly permitted by these regulations shall be prohibited. The regulations of this Section relate to the location of signs, by function and type, within zoning districts and shall be in addition to provisions of the Building Code applicable to the construction and maintenance of signs. Regulations concerning the use and termination of nonconforming signs appear in Section 6-105 of this Code.
   C.   Certificate of Zoning Compliance Required. Except as expressly provided in this Section, no sign shall be erected, enlarged, expanded, altered, relocated, or maintained unless a certificate of zoning compliance shall have first been issued in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-301 of this Code.
      1.    No certificate of zoning compliance shall be issued for any permanent sign in the R-D, B-1, or B-2 District unless appearance review approval is first obtained in accordance with Section 7-503 of this Code.
      2.    No certificate of zoning compliance shall be required for the repair or maintenance of a sign, provided that such repair or maintenance does not alter the size, height, location, illumination, or appearance.
      3.     Any other permits required under any applicable federal, state, or local law, ordinance, or regulation shall be obtained prior to the erection, enlargement, alteration, or relocation of any such sign.
   D.   Classification of Signs
      1.   Abandoned or Dilapidated Sign. A sign that has ceased to be in use by either the owner of the sign or the occupant of the property on which the sign is placed, or through the removal or relocation of the previous occupant of the property, or a sign that has ceased to be used through the removal of its copy, or the deterioration of its copy through lack of maintenance, but excluding temporary or short-term periods of remodeling, refurbishment or maintenance of the sign.
      2.   Access Safety Sign. A sign that marks a method of ingress, egress, direction, or circulation for a parking lot or drive.
      3.   Animated or Moving Sign. A sign or part of a sign that changes physical position by any movement or rotation or that gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation.
      4.   Awning Sign. A sign that is mounted or painted on or attached to an awning, canopy, or marquee that is otherwise permitted by this Code.
      5.   Attention-Getting Device. A sign designed to attract attention by means of flashing or moving parts, bright color or light, or movement of any kind. Examples of such signs include pennants, banners, flags, streamers, balloons, propellers, whirligigs, search lights, and flashing lights.
      6.   Changeable Message Sign. A sign having a face or faces that allow the message on the sign to be readily changed by means of light banks, video display, removable letters, or any other device.
      7.   Flag sign. A sign made of flexible fabric that is attached to a pole or building
      8.   Ground Sign. Any sign, other than a pole sign, placed upon or supported by the ground independently of any other structure. Ground signs include any sign mounted on a freestanding pole or other supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is less than six feet above grade.
      9.   Governmental Sign. A sign erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental function or required by any law, ordinance, or governmental regulation
      10.   Holiday Decorations. Decorations that are clearly incidental to and customarily and commonly associated with any national, local, or religious holiday. Holiday Decorations are not considered signs under this Code.
      11.   Joint-Identification Sign. A ground or pole sign which is located in common open space in a shopping center.
      12.   Official Flag or Emblem. A flag or emblem adopted by a federal, state, or local government. Official Flags and Emblems are not considered signs under this Code.
      13.   Permanent sign. A sign attached to a structure or the ground that is made of materials for long-term use.
      14.   Pole Sign. A sign that is mounted on a freestanding pole or other supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is six feet or more above grade.
      15.   Portable Sign. A sign that is not permanently affixed to a building, a structure, or the ground.
      16.   Projecting Sign. A sign that is wholly or partly dependent upon a building for support, and that projects more than 12 inches from such building.
      17.   Roof Sign. A sign that is mounted on the roof of a building, or which is wholly dependent upon a building for support, and that projects more than six inches above the highest point of a building with a flat roof, the eave line of a building with a gable or hip roof, or the deck line of a building with a gambrel or mansard roof.
      18.   Standard Informational Sign. A sign made from rigid materials for short-term use, containing no reflecting elements, or flags, and which is mounted on a post, stake or metal frame, or for business use, mounted directly on the façade or window of a tenant space.
      19.   Storefront. The part of an exterior wall or walls of a building abutting interior space occupied by a business establishment.
      20.   Temporary Sign. A sign or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, paper, or other light material, including standard informational signs.  
      21.   Temporary Use Sign: A temporary sign allowed according to the requirements of Section 5-102 of the Zoning Code.
      22.   Tent Sign. A portable and temporary A-Frame sign that is designed to be self-supporting by nature, which sign may have two sign faces.
      23.   Window area. An entire assembly comprised of the sash, glazing, and frame or uninterrupted system of windows. On a storefront, window areas shall be considered to be separate when separated by a door. A door shall be considered its own window area and shall include any windows or portions therefore directly above the door.
      24.   Wall Sign. A sign fastened to the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign, and that does not project more than 12 inches from such building or structure nor more than six inches above the highest point of a building with a flat roof, the eave line of a building with a gable or hip roof, or the deck line of a building with a gambrel or mansard roof.
      25.   Window Sign. A sign that is applied or attached to the exterior or interior of a window or located within three feet of a window in the interior of a structure and that is plainly visible from the exterior of the structure.
   E.   Prohibited signs. The following signs, as well as all other signs not expressly permitted by this Article, are prohibited in all districts and shall not be erected, maintained, or, except as provided in Section 6-105 of this Code, permitted to continue in any district:
      1.   Attention-getting devices
      2.   Changeable Message Signs except when accessory to a theater.
      3.   Animated or moving signs
      4.   Abandoned or dilapidated signs
      5.   Roof signs
      6.   Portable signs, except tent signs and signs approved in connection with temporary uses pursuant to Paragraph F16 of this section
      7.   Signs that are painted on or attached to trees, curbs, utility poles, rocks, or other natural features
      8.   Signs that are painted on a wall, fence or building in any zoning district or on a window in a residential zoning district
      9.   Signs with obscene, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, or slanderous language, or with threats or incitements of violence
      10.   Signs on public property, except those placed and approved by government agencies having control of such property
      11.   Search lights and similar devices
      12.   Signs maintained at any location whereby reason of its position, size, shape, content, color, or illumination it may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with the view of, or be confused with any traffic control sign, signal, or device or where it may interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic.
      13.   Signs utilizing fluorescent, radiating, iridescent, holographic, or glowing paint, ink, or material in its construction.
      14.   Signs constructed or maintained in any area or in any manner so as to create a nuisance or a threat to the public safety or welfare.
      15.   Flag signs
   F.   Signs Permitted Without Certificate of Zoning Compliance or Fee. Except as regulated by Subsection E of this Section and as expressly prohibited in Subsection G of this Section, and notwithstanding any other contrary provisions of this Code, the following signs may be erected and maintained without obtaining a certificate of zoning compliance or paying the fee required for such certificate, subject to the following limitations, the following signs shall not require the issuance of a sign permit to be installed, provided that such signs conform to all other applicable provisions of this Code.
      Governmental Signs
      Temporary Use Signs with an approved Temporary Use
      Window Signs
      Tent Signs
      Standard Informational Signs
   G.   Signs Allowed by Zoning District
      1.   Residential zoning districts. Only the following types of signs are allowed in the residential zoning districts in the Village (R-A, R-B, R-C, and R-D). All such signs are allowed in required yards and may be securely attached to windows in accordance with the requirements of this Code, but are not allowed on public property.
         A.   Standard Informational Signs
            1.   No standard informational sign shall exceed six square feet in area or four feet in height.
            2.   The total area of standard informational signs on a property shall not exceed 10 square feet.
            3.   Such signs shall not be illuminated.
            4.   Changeable copy is not allowed on standard informational signs.
            5.   In the R-D zoning district, when a zoning lot has an active building permit, one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than 12 square feet in size is permitted. No additional signage during construction is permitted in the R-A, R-B, or R-C zoning districts.
            6.   During the time a property is actively for sale or for rent, one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage is permitted.
               a.   In the R-A, R-B, and R-C zoning districts, such signs shall not exceed six feet in height or 6.5 square feet in size.
               b.   In the R-D district, such signs shall not exceed six feet in height or twelve square feet in size.
               c.   Such additional standard informational signage shall be removed promptly, but in no event later than seven days following the closing on the sale of the property or the execution of a rental lease for the property or, for multi-unit developments or structures in residential districts, within 14 days following the date upon which such development or structure is 90 percent sold or leased.
            7.   From the date a ballot for any particular national, state, or local election has been certified, until seven days after such election occurs, standard informational signs up to six square feet in size and four feet in height are permitted, with no limitations on total square feet per zoning lot.
            8.   The Village Manager may approve one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than five feet in height or six square feet in size after the owner of the lot on which the sign is located has informed the Village of a civic event, use, or purpose.
         B.   Temporary Use Signs in compliance with Paragraph 5-102 of this Code when approved per Subsection 5-102(C) of this Code.
      2.   Business zoning districts. Only the following types of signs are allowed in the business zoning districts in the Village (B-1 and B-2):
         A.   Standard Informational Signs
            1.   No standard informational sign shall exceed six square feet in area or four feet in height.
            2.   The total area of standard informational signs on a property shall not exceed 10 square feet.
            3.   Such signs shall not be illuminated
            4.   Changeable copy is not allowed on standard informational signs
            5.   When there is an active building permit on a zoning lot, one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than 12 square feet in area is permitted. Such signage shall be removed within seven days of the completion of construction.
            6.   During the time that a lot or tenant space is actively for sale or for lease, additional standard informational signage is allowed, per the following restrictions:
               a.   Such signs shall be limited to one additional standard informational sign, wall sign or ground sign per building face.
               b.   The total area of signs for each building shall not exceed 24 square feet, and no individual sign shall exceed 12 square feet in area.
               c.   No sign shall exceed six feet in height.
               d.   Additional signs attached to a wall under this provision may be located no higher than the top of the wall of a one-story building or the bottom of the windows in the second story of a multi-story building.
            7.   The Village Manager may approve one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than five feet in height or six square feet in size after the owner of the lot on which the sign is located has informed the Village of a civic event, use, or purpose.
         B.   Temporary Use Signs in compliance with Paragraph 5-102 of this Code when approved per Subsection 5-102(C) of this Code.
         C.   Governmental Signs : The size of any such sign shall not exceed the requirements of the law, ordinance, or regulation pursuant to which such sign is erected.
         D.   Awning Signs
            1.   One awning sign per storefront is permitted. Storefronts with multiple frontages may have one awning sign per frontage.
            2.   When a storefront on the first floor of a building has no wall sign, an awning sign shall not exceed 1.5 square feet of area per 1 foot of lineal width of the storefront.
            3.   Except as described in Subsection 2 above, awning signs shall not exceed six inches in height.
            4.   Awning signs shall not be illuminated.
            5.   No such sign shall project above, below, or beyond the physical dimensions of such awning, canopy, or marquee.
         E.   Ground or Pole Signs
            1.   One joint-identification pole or ground sign, not to exceed 18 feet in height or 100 square feet in area counting all faces, shall be permitted for each shopping center.
            2.   Except for business establishments located in a shopping center identified by means of a joint-identification pole or ground sign provided in Subparagraph I3(a)(i) of this Section, one pole or ground sign per business establishment shall be permitted under the following conditions:
               a)   When the building in which the business establishment is located is set back at least 15 feet from the street line, or
               b)   When the entrance to the business establishment is on the side or rear of the building, and no wall sign advertises the business.
            The maximum height of any such pole or ground sign shall be 12 feet, and the maximum area, counting all faces, shall be 30 square feet; provided, however, that the maximum area of all such pole or ground signs in a shopping center shall not exceed 100 square feet.
            3.   One pole or ground sign not exceeding eight feet in height and one and one-half square feet in area on any face and having not more than two faces shall be permitted on the off-premise parking lot of any business establishment.
         F.   Wall Signs
            1.   One wall sign per storefront on the first floor of a building shall be permitted; provided, however, that where a storefront fronts directly on two or more dedicated streets, one such sign shall be allowed for each such frontage that the storefront business establishment abuts.
            2.   No wall sign will be allowed for a business establishment on building frontage on which the business establishment has a projecting sign.
            3.   No wall sign shall exceed 1.5 square feet of area per 1 foot of lineal width of its storefront.
            4.    No wall sign shall be placed higher than the second-floor windowsill of a building; provided, however, that if the wall area to be covered has no windows or openings, the sign may extend to the full height otherwise permitted for wall signs.
         G.   Window signs
            1.   Window signs may not obstruct 15 percent of a window area. For storefronts with multiple frontages, each frontage shall be considered separately when calculating the 15 percent obstruction limit.
            2.   Window signs may not be illuminated.
            3.   Window signs may not be handwritten.
            4.   Signs in windows higher than the first story of a building shall not have backing.
         H.   Projecting signs
            1.   Projecting signs are prohibited in the B-2 zoning district.
            2.   In the B-1 District only, one projecting sign will be permitted for each storefront on the first floor of a building, provided that where a storefront fronts directly on two or more dedicated streets, one projecting sign will be allowed for each frontage that the storefront abuts. Projecting signs will be subject to the following limitations:
               a.   No projecting sign will be allowed for a business storefront that also has a wall sign.
               b.   No projecting sign may exceed 36 inches in height, 42 inches in width, or 2 inches in depth.
               c.   No projecting sign may project more than 48 inches from the wall to which it is attached.
               d.   No projecting sign may be placed higher than the second floor window sill of a building, and the bottom of every projecting sign must be elevated at least eight feet above grade.
               e.   Wherever possible, projecting signs on the same facade must maintain the same top and bottom elevations above grade and, if illuminated, must maintain the same type and intensity of illumination.
               f.   Notwithstanding the restrictions contained in Paragraph 5-105E1 of this Code, a projecting sign may be illuminated by gooseneck lamps on each of its sides, having a halogen or incandescent bulb, so long as the light source is no more than 12 inches from the face of the sign. The lighting element for a projecting sign must not be visible from the street.
               g.   Projecting signs may not be internally illuminated.
         I.   Tent Signs
            1.   One tent sign per storefront is permitted.
            2.   Tent Signs shall be located on the sidewalk directly in front of the storefront, or, if the storefront does not face the sidewalk, on the sidewalk directly in front of the public entrance to the storefront, provided that the sign must be located in a manner that maintains a straight unobstructed pathway of at least sixty inches on the sidewalk and may not be placed in a parking lot or in the public street.
            3.   Tent Signs must be constructed of a sturdy frame capable of withstanding typical winds and may not be used when wind speeds may cause them to become a hazard.
            4.   Tent signs must measure no larger than two feet wide and three feet tall per sign face.
            5.   Tent Signs may not be located in front of a storefront during hours the business occupying the tenant space is not open. 
            6.   The Village reserves the right to require the temporary or permanent relocation or removal of any Tent Sign if the Village determines in its sole discretion that the sign poses a safety hazard for pedestrian or vehicle traffic.
      3.   Highway Frontage zoning district. Only the following types of signs are allowed in the Highway Frontage zoning district (HF) in the Village:
         A.   Overall Sign Area Limit: The total area of all signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed one square foot per foot of zoning lot frontage; provided however, that joint-identification signs, and signs allowed without a certificate of zoning compliance shall not be counted toward the total allowance gross sign surface area permitted on a zoning lot.
         B.   Standard Informational Signs
            1.   No standard informational sign shall exceed six square feet in area or four feet in height, except as expressly allowed in this section.
            2.   The total area of standard informational signs on a property shall not exceed 10 square feet.
            3.   Such signs shall not be illuminated.
            4.   Changeable copy is not allowed on standard informational signs
            5.   When there is an active building permit on a zoning lot, one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than 12 square feet in area is permitted. Such signage shall be removed within seven days of the completion of construction.
            6.   During the time that a lot or tenant space is actively for sale or for lease, additional standard informational signage is allowed, per the following restrictions:
               a.   Such signs shall be limited to one additional wall or ground sign per lot frontage.
               b.   No individual sign shall exceed 16 square feet in area.
               c.   No sign shall exceed 8 feet in height.
               d.   Additional signs attached to a wall under this provision may be located no higher than the top of the wall of a one-story building or the bottom of the windows in the second story of a multi-story building.
            7. The Village Manager may approve one additional standard informational sign per lot frontage of no more than five feet in height or six square feet in size after the owner of the lot on which the sign is located has informed the Village of a civic event, use, or purpose.
         C.   Governmental Signs : The size of any such sign shall not exceed the requirements of the law, ordinance, or regulation pursuant to which such sign is erected.
         D.   Ground or Pole Signs.
            1.   One joint-identification sign is permitted per zoning lot frontage. If a joint-identification sign is installed, it shall be counted as a ground or pole sign per Subsection 2 below for determining the number of ground or pole signs allowed on a zoning lot.
            2.   One ground or pole sign is permitted per 300 feet of zoning lot frontage, or major faction thereof, to be located within that portion of zoning lot frontage, and not less than 300 feet from any other ground or pole sign on the same zoning lot, but joint=identifications signs may be located within 300 feet of ground or pole signs on the same zoning lot
            3.   Ground or pole signs shall not exceed 100 square feet in area per sign face, nor more than 200 square feet total per zoning lot.
            4.   Ground signs may not exceed 8 feet in height.
            5.   Pole signs may not exceed 20 feet in height, provided that the bottom edge of the sign face shall not be less than eight feet above grade.
            6.   Ground signs shall have a minimum front setback of 15 feet and a minimum setback of six feet from all other lot lines.
            7.   Pole signs shall have a minimum setback of six feet from all lot lines; provided, however, that a pole sign shall comply with any minimum yard setback.
         E.   Access Safety Signs . Such signs may be approved by the Plan Commission as part of Exterior Appearance Review for the safe and convenient use of the lot in question, provided that no access safety sign  shall exceed four feet in height or five square feet in area.
         F.   Awning Signs .
            1.   Such signs may not exceed 100 square feet.
            2.   No sign identifying an individual tenant of a multi-tenant building shall cover more than 5% of the wall to which it is affixed.
            3.   Awning signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
            4.   No such sign shall project above, below, or beyond the physical dimensions of such awning, canopy, or marquee.
         G.   Wall signs .
            1.   Walls signs shall not exceed 100 square feet per sign face, nor more than 200 square feet in total per zoning lot.
            2.   Wall signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
         H.   Window Signs .
            1.   Window signs may not obstruct 15 percent of a window area. For storefronts with multiple frontages, each frontage shall be considered separately when calculating the 15 percent obstruction limit.
            2.   Window signs may not be illuminated.
            3.   Window signs may not be handwritten.
            4.   Window signs shall not be located higher than in a window on the first-floor level.
   H.   Regulations Applying to All Zoning Districts 
      1.   Sign area:
         A.   Area to be Included. The supporting structure or bracing of a sign shall be omitted in measuring the area of the sign unless such structure or bracing is made part of the message or face of the sign. When a sign has more than one display face, all faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign.
         B.   Area of Signs With Backing. The area of all signs with backing shall be measured by computing the area of the sign backing.
         C.   Area of Signs Without Backing. The area of all signs without backing shall be measured by computing the area of the smallest regular geometric figures that can separately encompass all words, letters, figures, emblems, and other elements of the sign message.
         D.   Area of Signs With and Without Backing. The area of all signs formed by a combination of elements with and without backing shall be measured by combining the area of such elements measured in accordance with the foregoing subparagraphs.
         E.   Sign spacing. Signs located within two feet of each other shall be considered a single sign for the purposes of area calculation and the area between such signs shall be included in sign area calculations.
      2.   Location
         A.   Location. Except as otherwise expressly authorized in this Section, no sign shall be located on any lot other than the same zoning lot as the principal use to which it is accessory.
         B.   Signs on Lots With Multiple Users. When more than one user occupies a zoning lot, the owner of the lot shall be responsible for allocating permitted signage among such users.
      3.   Cease of Business. Any sign pertaining to a business which has ceased doing business shall be removed (along with all of its structural elements) by the owner of the property upon which the sign is located within 60 days after the cessation of such business.
      4.   Minimum Elevation of Certain Signs.
         A.   The bottom of every wall sign shall be elevated at least eight feet above grade. Whenever possible, wall signs on the same facade shall maintain the same top and bottom elevations above grade.
         B.   The bottom of the structural elements of every awning sign (other than ground supports) shall be elevated at least seven feet above grade, and all other elements of awning signs shall extend at least six and one-half feet above grade.
      5.   Obstruction of Access Ways. No sign or sign structure shall obstruct free ingress to or egress from a fire escape, door, window, or other required access way.
      6.   Obstruction of Window Surface. No sign shall project over, occupy, or obstruct any window surface required for light or ventilation by any applicable provision of the Building Code.
      7.   Illumination.
         A.   Location and Design of Light Source. Whenever an external artificial light source is used for a sign, such source shall be located, shielded, and directed so as not to be directly visible from any dwelling or public street. No receptacle or device housing a permitted light source for a sign shall protrude more than 12 inches from the face of the sign or building to which it is attached.
         B.   Level of Illumination. In no event shall the illumination of any sign, resulting from any internal or external artificial light source, exceed 75 foot-candles when measured with a standard light meter held perpendicular to the sign face at a distance equal to the narrowest dimension of such sign face. All artificial illumination shall be so designed, located, shielded, and directed as to illuminate only the sign face or faces and to prevent the casting of glare or direct light upon adjacent property or streets.
         C.   Signs Adjacent to Residential Areas. Any illuminated sign located within 120 feet of a residential district shall not be illuminated between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. except that such sign may remain illuminated during such time as the activity to which the sign pertains is open for business so long as such sign is not a public or private nuisance.
         D.   Floodlights or Spotlights. No sign in the B-1 or B-2 Districts shall be illuminated by a floodlight or spotlight.
      8.   Special Illumination standards in the HF zoning district
         A.   Signs Permitted Without a Certificate of Zoning Compliance : Signs permitted pursuant to Subsection 5-105(F) shall be illuminated only as permitted in Paragraph 5-105(H)(7).
         2.   Other Signs: Signs permitted pursuant to this Subsection 5-105(G)(3) may be illuminated only in compliance with Paragraph 5-105(H)(7) of this Code, except that 175 foot-candles shall be the maximum intensity of illumination in lieu of 75 foot-candles. Neon or other gas tube illumination is permitted only for window signs.
      9.   Electrical Elements. All wiring, fittings, and materials used in the construction, connection, and operation of electrically illuminated signs shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Glencoe Village Code.
      No metal sign illuminated by any means requiring internal wiring and no electrical fixtures attached to any sign shall be lower than nine feet above grade unless it is grounded by the use of a grounding conductor run with the circuit conductors and is also grounded by being bonded to a grounding electrode at the sign site.
      10.   Structural Elements. The construction and structural components of all signs shall be in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Glencoe Village Code. All permanent signs shall be constructed of fire-resistant materials and shall be capable of withstanding wind pressures of at least 30 pounds per square foot of surface area and of receiving dead loads based on the actual weight of the structure. In no case shall the structural elements of a pole sign extend above the top of the sign face.
(Amd. Ord. 2022-18-3538, passed 11-17-2022; Amd. Ord. 2023-19-3564, passed 9-21-2023)