A.   Authority to Continue. Except as provided in Subsection F of this Section, any lawfully existing nonconforming sign may be continued so long as it otherwise remains lawful, subject to the regulations contained in Subsections B through E of this Section and in Subsection D of Section 6-101 of this Code. The burden of establishing a sign to be a legal nonconforming sign under this Section shall rest on the person asserting the legal nonconforming status of such sign.
   B.   Ordinary Repair and Maintenance. Normal maintenance and incidental repair or replacement of non-bearing sign elements and electrical wiring and fixtures may be performed on any sign; provided, however, that any repair or replacement shall, whenever possible, eliminate or reduce any nonconformity in the element being repaired or replaced, and provided further that this Subsection B shall not be deemed to authorize any violation of Subsections C through F of this Section.
   C.   Alteration; Enlargement; Moving. No nonconforming sign shall be changed or altered in any manner that would increase the degree of its nonconformity, be enlarged or expanded, be structurally altered to prolong its useful life, or be moved in whole or in part to any other location where it would remain nonconforming. A change in sign message which does not otherwise violate the provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to be prohibited by this Subsection.
   D.   Change of Sign. A nonconforming sign that has been changed to eliminate its nonconformity or any element of its nonconformity shall not thereafter be changed to restore such nonconformity or nonconforming element.
   E.   Damage or Destruction. Any nonconforming sign, or any nonconforming element of a sign capable of change or discontinuance separate from other elements of the sign, damaged or destroyed by any means to the extent of 35 percent or more of its replacement cost new shall not be restored but shall be removed or brought into conformity with the provisions of this Code.
   F.   Termination of Certain Signs.
      1.   Immediate Termination. The following nonconforming signs or sign features shall be terminated within 30 days after the effective date of this Code by removal of the sign or by alteration of the sign to eliminate the specified feature:
         (a)   Attention-getting devices.
         (b)   Moving or animated signs, except public service signs when expressly permitted by this Code.
         (c)   Temporary signs, except as expressly permitted by Section 5-105 of this Code.
         (d)   Any sign on a tree or utility pole, whether on public or private property, except governmental signs authorized in Section 5-105 of this Code.
         (e)   Any sign on public property, except governmental signs and civic event signs authorized in Section 5-105 of this Code.
         (f)   Any sign that violates any provision or requirement of Paragraphs 5-105E1 through 5-105E3 or 5-105E5 through 5-105E10 or Paragraph 5-105E15 of this Code.
         (g)   Any sign constructed or erected without a valid permit.
         (h)   Any sign that should have been removed pursuant to Subsection 9-49.3(c) of the Glencoe Village Code as in force immediately prior to the effective date of this Code.
      2.   Termination by Abandonment. Any nonconforming sign the use of which is discontinued for a period of 60 consecutive days, regardless of any intent to resume or not to abandon such use, shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall not thereafter be reestablished or resumed. Every such sign, including all of its structural elements, shall be immediately removed or brought into conformity with the provisions of this Code. Any period of such discontinuance caused by government actions, strikes, material shortages, or acts of God, and without any contributing fault by the nonconforming user, shall not be considered in calculating the length of discontinuance for purposes of this paragraph.
      3.   Termination by Change of Business. Any nonconforming sign advertising, identifying, or pertaining to a business on the premises on which it is located shall be terminated upon any change in the use of the property on which the sign is located. Every such sign, including all of its structural elements, shall be immediately removed or brought into con-formity with the provisions of this Code.