A.   Authorization. Subject to the limitations of this Section, temporary uses as hereinafter specified are permit-ted in the zoning districts hereinafter specified.
   B.   Definition. A temporary use is a building or use that:
      1.   Is established for a fixed period of time with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of such time; and
      2.   Does not involve the construction or alteration of any permanent structure.
   C.   Certificate of Zoning Compliance Required: Special Standards for Issuance and Revocation.
      1.   Certificate Required. Except as provided in Paragraph D1 of this Section, no temporary use shall be established or maintained unless a certificate of zoning compliance evidencing the compliance of such use with the provisions of this Code shall have first been issued in accordance with Section 7-301 of this Code.
      2.   Bases for Certificate Denial. A certificate of zoning compliance may be denied if the Village Manager determines that the applicant has failed to comply with the terms or conditions of any previ-ously issued zoning certificate for a temporary use or that the permanent use of the subject prop-erty fails to comply in all respects with the provisions of all Village ordinances regulating the development, use, and maintenance of the property. Such a certificate shall be denied if the Village Manager determines that the public health, safety, or welfare would be, or may reasonably be expected to be, impaired by the issuance thereof.
      3.   Conditions on Certificate. A certificate of zoning compliance may be conditioned upon such special requirements as the Village Manager may determine are necessary to achieve the purposes of this Code and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
      4.   Revocation of Certificate. A certificate of zoning compliance shall be revoked if any of the standards and conditions imposed pursuant to this Section, or such certificate, are violated.
   D.   Permitted Temporary Uses. Subject to the specific regulations and time limits that follow and to the other applicable regulations of the district in which the use is permitted, the following temporary uses and no others are permitted in the zoning districts herein specified:
      1.   House, Apartment, Garage, and Yard Sales: In any residential district. Such use shall be limited to a period not to exceed three consecutive days, and no more than two such sales shall be conducted from the same dwelling in any 12-month period. No certificate of zoning compliance shall be required for such use.
      2.   Indoor and Outdoor Art, Craft, Rummage, Plant, and Sidewalk Sales, Shows, and Exhibits: In any business district; provided, however, that any such use shall require the specific prior approval of the Village Manager on the basis of the adequacy of the parcel size, parking provisions, and traffic access and the absence of undue adverse impact on other properties. No such sale shall exceed a period of three days.
      3.   Contractors' Offices, Portable Toilets, and Equipment Sheds: In any district when accessory to a construction project. No such use shall contain any sleeping or cooking accommodations. Such use shall be limited to a period not to exceed the duration of the active construction phase of such project, but in no event for more than one year. The Village Manager may allow such temporary structures to be located within required yards.
      4.   Tents. In any district, in connection with any permitted, accessory, temporary, or special use. No tent shall be allowed to remain for a period of more than 10 days. Unless waived in writing by the Village Manager, every tent shall comply with the bulk, space, and yard requirements applicable to accessory uses pursuant to Subsection 5-101E of this Code. For purposes of this Paragraph, the word "tent" shall include awnings or canopies extending more than 72 inches from the exterior wall of a building.
      5.   Civic Uses of Public Property: In any district, any civic use of any public building or property when authorized by the governmental agency owning or controlling such property; provided, however, that no certificate of zoning compliance shall be issued for such use unless the Village Manager finds that such use shall impose no undue adverse effect on neighboring streets or property.
      6.   Open Air Markets: In any business district; provided, however, that any such use shall require the specific prior approval of the Village Manager on the basis of the adequacy of the parcel size, parking and sanitation provisions, available utilities, and traffic access, as well as the absence of undue adverse impacts on other properties; provided further that no such use shall be permitted unless the Village Manager also finds that such use will contribute directly to the preservation and enhancement of an attractive and active business district. Such uses shall not be permitted at any location more than once in any seven day period or for more than eight consecutive hours; provided, however, that a single certificate of zoning compliance per calendar year may be issued for a recurring open air market. Unless waived in writing by the Village Manager, open air markets shall comply with the applicable district bulk, space, and yard requirements of this Code.
      7.   Outdoor Storage of Construction Materials. In any district when accessory to a construction project on the lot for which a valid building permit exists. Such materials shall be kept in a neat, safe and secure condition so as not to constitute a nuisance or offense.
      8.   Outdoor Cafes. In the B-1 Central Business District and the B-2 Neighborhood Business District; provided, however, than any such use shall require the specific prior approval of the Village Manager on the basis of adequacy of public access provisions, public health safeguards, litter controls, and the absence of undue adverse impact on other businesses in the area. No outdoor cafe shall be permitted to operate except between the days of April 1 and November 30 in any calendar year. Such outdoor cafes may be operated upon the Village sidewalks if the Village Manager determines that there is adequate sidewalk space for the operation of the cafe and that the use of the public way by pedestrians will not be unduly impeded; provided, however, that no outdoor cafe shall be permitted upon the sidewalks or other property of the Village unless a permit therefor has also been obtained pursuant to Article VI of Chapter 5 of the Glencoe Village Code.
      9.   Theaters Presenting Live Theater Performances. In the B-1 Central Business District; provided, however, that any such use shall require specific prior approval by the Village Manager on the basis of the adequacy of the parcel size, public health safeguards, parking and sanitation provisions, available utilities, pedestrian and traffic access, the absence of undue adverse impact on other properties, and the compliance of the theater with all applicable provisions of the Village Code, including without limitation the approval of a certificate of zoning compliance pursuant to Section 7-301 of this Code; provided further that no such use shall be permitted at any location for a period exceeding two consecutive years, unless the Village Board approves a longer period by resolution; and provided further that under no circumstance may any such temporary use permit issued under this provision be valid after December 31, 2016.
   E.   Bulk, Space, and Yard Regulations. Except as expressly provided otherwise in Subsection D of this Section, every tempo-rary use shall comply with the bulk, yard, and space requirements applicable in the district in which such temporary use is located.
   F.   Use Limitations.
      1.   General Limitations. Every temporary use shall comply with the limitations made applicable to specified temporary uses by Subsection D of this Section. No temporary use shall be permitted in any district if it would have a significant negative impact, including aesthetic impact, on any adjacent property or on the area, as a whole, in which it is located.
      2.   Hours and Days of Operation. No temporary use shall be operated during any hours or on any days of the week except such as are designated by the Village Manager in the certificate required by Subsection C of this Section, on the basis of the nature of the temporary use and the character of the surrounding area.
      3.   Public Safety. No temporary use shall be permitted that will result in an undue on-site or off-site threat to public safety. No temporary use shall be operated except in accordance with such restrictions and conditions as the Village Manager may require in connection with such certification.
      4.   Traffic. No temporary use shall be permitted if addi-tional vehicular traffic reasonably expected to be gener-ated by such temporary use would have undue detrimental effects on surrounding streets and uses.
      5.   Conflicts with Other Temporary Uses. No temporary use shall be permitted if such use would conflict with another previously authorized temporary use.
      6.   Parking. Before approving any temporary use, the Village Manager shall make an assessment of the total number of off-street parking spaces that will be reasonably required in connection with the proposed temporary use, on the basis of the particular use, its intensity, and the availability of other parking facilities in the area, and shall approve such temporary use only if such off-street parking is provided. No temporary use shall be authorized that would, in the opinion of the Village Manager, unreasonably reduce the amount of off-street parking spaces available for use in connection with permanent uses located on the zoning lot in question.
      7.   Sign Limitations. Except as otherwise expressly authorized by Section 5-105 of this Code, signs shall be located only on the same zoning lot as the temporary use, be limited to no more than one per street frontage, be no larger than six square feet in area in any single family residential district or 12 square feet in area in any other district; be of sturdy construction, and not be detrimental to the character of the area. Such signs shall not be erected sooner than 24 hours before the commencement of the temporary use and shall be removed within 24 hours following the termination of the temporary use.
      8.   Additional Conditions. Every temporary use shall, in addition, comply with, and the Village Manager may impose, such other conditions as may reasonably be neces-sary to achieve the purposes of this Code or to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.