Article 1. General Provisions
   159.001   Short title
   159.002   Purposes
   159.003   Applicability
   159.004   Exemptions to this chapter
   159.005   Interpretation
   159.006   Modifications and exceptions
   159.007   Fees
   159.008   Revisions, alternative plats and resubdivisions
   159.009   County records
   159.010   Amendments to this chapter
   159.011   Appeals to courts
   159.012   Enforcement
   159.013   Liability
   159.014   Severability
   159.015   Repealer
Article 2. Definitions
   159.016   Definitions
   159.017–159.024   Reserved
Article 3. Subdivision Design
   159.025   Applicability
   159.026   Land classification map
   159.027   Subdivision standards for AR and RR land classifications
   159.028   Lot and density standards
   159.029   Building setbacks from roads
   159.030   Single family cluster option
   159.031   Sensitive areas
   159.032   Flag lots
   159.033–159.039   Reserved
Article 4. Sketch Plat
   159.040   Purpose
   159.041   Submission and review procedure
   159.042   Information submitted for sketch plat
   159.043–159.054   Reserved
Article 5. Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivisions
   159.055   Purpose
   159.056   Submission and review procedure
   159.057   Preliminary plat requirements and checklist
   159.058–159.068   Reserved
Article 6. Final Plat for Major Subdivisions
   159.069   Purpose
   159.070   Applicability
   159.071   Submission and review procedure
   159.072   Final plat requirements
   159.073–159.079   Reserved
Article 7. Minor Subdivisions and Lot Line Adjustments
   159.080   Purpose
   159.081   Submission and review procedure
   159.082   Minor subdivision requirements
   159.083   Lot line adjustments and minor revisions of approved plats
   159.084–159.089   Reserved
Article 8. Improvements Guarantees
   159.090   Installation of improvements or guarantee required
   159.091   Approval of improvements
   159.092   Remedies to cause completion of improvements
   159.093–159.099   Reserved
Article 9. Recording of Final Plat
   159.100   Recording of final plat
   159.101   Record plat
   159.102   Effect of recording
   159.103–159.109   Reserved
Article 10. Design Standards and Required Improvements
   159.110   Overall requirements
   159.111   Roads
   159.112   Traffic impact studies
   159.113   Driveways
   159.114   Stormwater management
   159.115   Sanitary sewage disposal
   159.116   Water supply systems and fire hydrants
   159.117   Utilities and utility easements
   159.118   Sidewalks and pathways
   159.119   Road signs; road names
   159.120   Guidelines to protect trees
   159.121   Buffers in rear lots adjacent to major roads
   159.122   Lot pins/monuments
   159.123   Development abutting scenic byways
   159.124–159.129   Reserved
Article 11. Mobile/Manufactured Home Park Regulations
   159.130   Applicability
   159.131   Exemptions
   159.132   Other requirements
   159.133   General standards and requirements
   159.134   Design standards
   159.135–159.144   Reserved
Article 12. Planned Residential Development (PRD) Outside of the Deep Creek Watershed
   159.145   Purposes
   159.146   Eligibility
   159.147   Types and densities of land uses
   159.148   Natural features analysis
   159.149   Community impact analysis
   159.150   Site design principles
   159.151   Common open space
   159.152   Roads
   159.153   Parking standards
   159.154   Water and sewage services
   159.155   Tree conservation and landscaping
   159.156   Ownership, maintenance and preservation of common open space
   159.157   Procedural requirements
   159.158   Required off-road parking space table
   159.159   General parking regulations for PRDs
   159.160   Parking design standards
   159.161   Loading area
   159.162   Parking landscaping incentive
   159.163–159.998   Reserved
Article 13. Penalties
   159.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Plan preparer's statements; owner's statement; approval/review block forms
   Appendix B:   Land classification map