To determine which specific areas of the total PRD are best suited for higher density development, and which areas should be preserved in their natural state as open space areas, a thorough analysis of the natural features of the site shall be provided by the applicant and shall address the following subject areas, at a minimum:
   (A)   Hydrology. Analysis and mapping of natural drainage patterns and water resources including streams, natural drainage swales, ponds or lakes, wetlands, floodplain areas, permanent high water table areas and seasonal high water table areas throughout the site;.
   (B)   Geology. Analysis of characteristic of rock formations underlying the site including mapping of acquifers (particularly those locally subject to pollution), shallow bedrock areas and areas in which rock formations are unstable.
   (C)   Soils. Analysis, based upon the County Soil Survey, of types of soils present in the site area including delineation of prime agricultural soil areas, aquifer recharge soil areas, unstable soils, soils most susceptible erosion and soils suitable for development.
   (D)   Topography. Analysis of terrain of the site including mapping of contour lines at vertical intervals of not more than 2 feet for land with average natural slope of 10% or less, and at intervals of not more than 5 feet for land with average natural slope greater than 10%, and including the delineation of slope areas over 20%, between 10% and 20% and under 10%.
   (E)   Vegetation. Analysis of tree and plant cover of the site, including delineation of principal wildlife habitat areas.
(Ord. —, passed 3-29-2005)