(A)   Nuisance prohibited. No owner, agent, occupant, responsible party or person shall permit outside storage in any residentially used or zoned premises, except as provided for in this subchapter.
   (B)   Unenclosed structures. Outside storage shall be prohibited in open or unenclosed structures, unless the structures are wholly located in a rear or side yard and all items are enclosed in galvanized, noncorrodible metal or plastic containers that are rodent-proof, insect-proof and waterproof. The containers shall be properly stacked or bundled and otherwise in compliance with other provisions of this chapter. A plastic bag of any type is not considered an acceptable container for the storage of items in an unenclosed structure.
   (C)   White goods. It shall be unlawful to allow white goods and similar appliances or appliance parts not specifically designed and manufactured for outdoor use to be discarded, abandoned or stored on premises unless set out for collection in conformance with the requirements of the solid waste chapter of this municipal code (Chapter 50).
   (D)   Nonowner-occupied property. It shall be unlawful for an owner of a nonowner-occupied property to use the property for outside storage.
   (E)   Storage of machinery. It shall be unlawful to store, maintain or leave as outside storage worn out, wrecked, abandoned or inoperable machinery such as tractors, lawnmowers, bicycles or white goods of any kind or any parts thereof, unless set out for collection in conformance with the requirements of the solid waste chapter of this municipal code (Chapter 50).
   (F)   Laundry. It shall be unlawful to hang laundry including without limitation clothes, sheets, blankets and towels at any location within a front yard. The laundry may be hung on a wire or similar apparatus in a rear or side yard, that is elevated and secured at one or both ends by a post, structure, or tree.
   (G)   Firewood. It shall be unlawful to have firewood on a premises, unless it is evenly piled or stacked in a rear yard on open racks of galvanized or noncorrodible metal or plastic, constructed in a manner that will support the loads imposed with minimal deflection to maintain not less than four inches above the ground so that the materials will not afford a harborage for rodents, snakes or vermin. Open racks shall also provide side uprights at both ends to contain the firewood. No single firewood rack shall exceed five feet in height from ground level, ten feet in length, nor be deeper than two feet. The total combined area of multiple firewood racks shall not exceed 1,280 cubic feet. The wood storage shall be for personal use on the premises and not for retail sale.
   (H)   Vehicle parts and tires. It shall be unlawful to store outside any vehicle parts or tires, with or without rims.
   (I)   Construction material. It shall be unlawful to allow outside storage of construction material, unless located on a construction site and stored in a manner to protect their utility and prevent deterioration.
   (J)   Heavy construction equipment. It shall be unlawful to allow outside storage of heavy construction equipment on a premises, unless the equipment is wholly enclosed within a building, or the equipment is being used on a construction site in connection with a legitimate service actually being rendered for the benefit of the premises.
   (K)   Large limbs. It shall be unlawful to store large limbs outside, unless in the process of cutting and properly stacking for use as firewood or being placed in proper receptacles or bundled to be lawfully set out for collection at the next yard waste pickup and then the outside storage shall not exceed 30 calendar days.
   (L)   Indoor upholstered furniture. It shall be unlawful to store any indoor upholstered furniture outside, except when the indoor upholstered furniture is placed at the curb on the customary collection day for it to be removed as part of the oversized item waste removal service, or when the indoor upholstered furniture is placed outdoors as part of a garage sale.
   (M)   Portable toilets. It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain any portable toilets on a premises not in compliance with this division (M).
      (1)   Service and maintenance. Portable toilets shall be maintained in sound structural condition and serviced by a private sewage disposal system pumping contractor licensed by the State Department of Public Health. Any defective or inadequate toilet unit shall be repaired or removed.
      (2)   Location. Portable toilets shall be located in a rear yard, at least five feet from rear and side property lines.
      (3)   Vacant lot. Portable toilets shall not be allowed on a vacant lot, unless:
         (a)   During periods of construction and prior to occupancy of any building or other facility;
         (b)   At public or private golf courses;
         (c)   At campsites, parks or other similar premises or lands owned by the state, the city, primary school, secondary school or college;
         (d)   At concerts, rallies, meetings, sporting events and other public gatherings on lands owned by the state, the city, primary school, secondary school or college, when the public gatherings are approved by the governing bodies of the lands; and
         (e)   During any emergencies resulting from natural phenomena.
      (4)   Duration. Portable toilets must be removed from the premises within two working days after construction of a structure or building is complete.
   (N)   Portable on-demand storage structures. It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain any portable on-demand storage structures on a premises not in compliance with this division (N).
      (1)   Size. A portable on-demand storage structure shall not exceed 200 square feet in area nor shall it be higher than eight feet, six inches in height.
      (2)   Setback. A portable on-demand storage structure shall be set back from any front, side or rear yard a minimum of five feet, unless placed on an existing impervious driveway, and be set back from any structures on the property a minimum of five feet.
      (3)   Duration. A portable on-demand storage structure shall not be located on a premises for a period exceeding 240 hours from time of delivery to time of removal.
      (4)   Frequency. No more than two portable on-demand storage structures shall be located on a specific premises at one time and shall not be located on a specific property more than two times in any given 30-day period.
      (5)   Maintenance. All portable on-demand storage structures shall be free from rust, peeling paint and other forms of deterioration.
      (6)   Special circumstances. In the event of fire, hurricane or natural disaster causing substantial damage to the structure, the property owner may request permission to extend the time that a portable on-demand storage structure may be located as a temporary structure on the property.
   (O)   Accessory buildings and operable motor vehicles. It shall be unlawful to allow the combined area of accessory buildings and outside storage of operable motor vehicles of the first division as defined in the Illinois Motor Vehicle Act, recreational vehicles and boats and boat trailers, owned by an occupant of the premises, to occupy more than 30% of a rear yard or 2,000 square feet (whichever is less). The following requirements shall also be applicable:
      (1)   A maximum of two vehicles (as described above) shall be allowed to be stored on an unpaved surface in a rear yard, the area of which shall be included in the 30% calculation. Any additional outside storage of vehicles must be on an approved driveway or parking space connected by the driveway.
      (2)   If an accessory building already covers 30% of the rear yard, outside storage of one vehicle, as defined above, shall be permitted as long as storage is in a rear yard on a driveway or parking space.
      (3)   Recreational vehicles, boats and boat trailers shall be operable and maintained in a clean, well-kept state that does not detract from the appearance of the surrounding area and shall not be used as habitable space, unless in an approved campground. Boats shall be stored on a boat trailer.
      (4)   Outside storage of semi-trucks and semi-trailers is prohibited.
      (5)   Off-street parking areas required in the zoning ordinance are not subject to this provision.
(Ord. 22-3670, passed 5-4-2022) Penalty, see § 94.99