(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to create beneficial effects that include but are not limited to the promotion of health, safety, appreciation of property values in residential, commercial and industrial zones, attraction of capital investors to residential, commercial and industrial zones, comfort, morals, general interest and welfare of the citizens of the city and to protect neighborhoods against blight and deteriorating influences by establishing minimum standards of cleanliness, safety and sightlines for premises in the city.
   (B)   Nuisance declared. All property found to be maintained in violation of any one or more of the provisions of this chapter is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall be abated pursuant to the procedures set forth herein. In all cases in this chapter where no provision is made defining what are nuisances and how the same may be abated, removed or prevented, in addition to those declared herein, those offenses known to the common law of the land and to the statutes of this state as nuisances may, in case the same exist within the jurisdiction of the city, be treated as such and proceeded against as provided in this chapter or any other provision of law applicable thereto.
   (C)   Prohibited. No owner, agent, occupant or other entity owning or in possession, charge or control of any building or premises shall use the same, or permit the same to be used, for any business or employment or any purpose if the use shall, from its boisterous nature, disturb or destroy the peace of the neighborhood or shall be dangerous or detrimental to health, safety or welfare of the general public.
   (D)   Disclosure. Every agent, occupant or other person having control or management or who collects or receives the rents of any lands, premises or other property in the city, shall disclose the name of the person for whom the agent or other person is acting upon demand of any inspector or agent of the city.
   (E)   Other remedies. This chapter shall not limit any other rights or remedies of the city provided in this code or any other ordinance, statute, law, rule or regulation regarding the subject matter of this chapter. These remedies are deemed cumulative.
   (F)   Practice. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a prompt and efficient means of abating or having abated nuisances within the city. It is not intended that this chapter shall affect or regulate practice before the courts of the state.
   (G)   Fines. Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined as set forth in § 94.99.
(Ord. 22-3670, passed 5-4-2022)