8-2-1: Water System Established; Mandatory Connections
8-2-2: Water Connections
8-2-3: Service Charges And Fees
8-2-4: Turn On Procedures
8-2-5: Connection Specifications And Requirements
8-2-6: Meter Requirements
8-2-7: Resale Of City Water; Transfer Outside City Limits
8-2-8: Water Fund
8-2-9: Violations; Penalty
   A.   For the purpose of promoting health, safety and the general welfare of the city, a water system, as defined by Idaho Code section 50-1029, shall be constructed, extended, maintained, repaired, replaced, operated and removed within the corporate limits of the city by which to provide an adequate public waterworks and water supply system for domestic, commercial, industrial, fire protection and other municipal purposes and uses.
   B.   Every building, structure or water user within the corporate limits of the city shall be connected by a water service line to a public water line or main where such water line or main adjoins the lot, tract or parcel of land on which such building or structure stands. (1984 Code § 7-3B-1)
   A.   A water system connection fee shall be made and imposed upon and collected from every person, or other water user constructing a water service line by which to attach to and connect the property to the public water system of the city.
   B.   The charges provided by this section for connecting to the public water system shall be made, imposed and collected as a separate charge and are hereby declared to be separate and in addition to the fees and charges imposed and collected pursuant to the provisions of section 8-1-2 of this title and are in addition to and separate from any other charge or fee imposed by any other ordinance.
   C.   No connections with a water main shall be made without a receipt being issued by the city clerk. Payment for such connections must be made to the city clerk, and the fee provided by section 8-1-2 of this title shall be paid for each connection at the time of request. (1984 Code § 7-3B-2)
There is hereby established a system of periodic service charges and fees in order to equitably impose upon all water users the cost and expenses of maintenance, operation, replacement and repair of the city public water system. The charges and fees imposed in section 8-1-2 of this title shall be reviewed from time to time by the city clerk, and the charges and fees provided by this chapter are hereby levied and assessed against each lot, parcel or tract of land, or on each building or structure or other property having any water service connection to and with the city public water system.
The monthly water service charges and fees for each water user served by the city public water system shall be based upon the gallons of water as measured by the water meter reading and meter records maintained by the city. (1984 Code § 7-3B-3)
If a structure receiving water service is vacant for a continuous period of thirty (30) days, which thirty (30) days coincides with the city billing cycle, the minimum charge to the structure shall be reduced to an amount set forth by resolution of the City Council. Provided, however, that before qualifying for the reduced fee, an applicant shall submit a request in writing to the city clerk advising said city clerk that the applicant requests the reduced fee and certifying under penalty of perjury that the structure will be vacant for the thirty (30) day period. The thirty (30) day vacancy period must coincide with the city billing cycle. Any vacancy which lasts for thirty (30) days but has a portion of the vacancy in one billing cycle and a second portion of the vacancy in a second billing cycle shall not qualify. (1984 Code § 7-3B-3; amd. 2014 Code; Ord. 676, 11-23-2020)
   A.   No water from the city water system shall be turned on for service into any property or premises by any person except by the duly authorized personnel of the city.
   B.   Application to have water turned on shall be made by contacting the city clerk’s office.
   C.   No water shall be turned on for service to property or premises in which the plumbing does not comply with the ordinances of the city and the standard drawings and specifications of the city; provided, that water may be turned on for construction work in unfinished buildings, subject to the provisions of this chapter. (1984 Code § 7-3B-4; amd. Ord. 676, 11-23-2020)