Pursuant to the authority set out in Idaho Code section 39-4116, the City does by reference, hereby adopt the following Uniform Codes:
A. Building Code: The 2018 version of the International Building Code, prepared by the International Code Council, Inc., as adopted by the State or the Idaho Building Code Board, together with any amendments or revisions to the International Building Code made by the Idaho Building Code Board through the negotiated rulemaking process;
B. Residential Code: The 2018 version of the International Residential Code as adopted by the State or the Idaho Building Code Board, together with any amendments or revisions to the International Building Code made by the Idaho Building Code Board through the negotiated rulemaking process;
C. Energy Conservation Code: The 2018 version of the International Energy Conservation Code, together with any amendments or revisions to the International Energy Conservation Code made by the Idaho Building Code Board through the negotiated rulemaking process;
D. Abatement Of Dangerous Buildings Code: The current version of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, published by the International Conference of Building Officials;
E. Sign Code: The current version of the Uniform Sign Code, together with appendices thereto;
F. Fuel And Gas Code: The 2012 version of the International Fuel and Gas Code, together with appendices thereto;
G. Manufactured Home Installation Standard: The current version of the State Division of Building Safety Manufactured Home Installation Standard, together with appendices thereto;
H. Recreational Vehicle Parks And Campgrounds Standard: The 2009 version of the American National Standard for Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds;
I. Handicapped Accessibility: The current version of the American standard specifications for making buildings and facilities accessible to, and usable by, the physically handicapped, published by the American National Standards Institute;
J. Fire Code: The 2015 version of the International Fire Code, published by the International Code Council, Inc.;
K. Public Works Construction Standards: The current version of the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction, together with any amendments, changes, modifications, appendices or successor Codes thereto;
L. Mechanical Code: The 2018 version of the International Mechanical Code, published by the International Code Council, Inc.
The adopted versions of the foregoing International Building Codes and Idaho standards shall be deemed superseded by successive versions of such Codes as they are adopted by the Idaho Building Code Board effective on the date any such Codes are made effective by the Idaho Building Code Board and as authorized by Idaho Code.
The above Codes are hereby adopted by the City to provide for the regulations set forth herein and to provide for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor. Said documents are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are hereby made a part hereof by reference in the same manner as though fully set forth in this chapter, notwithstanding any existing conflicting section contained in this Code, which by the adoption hereof is hereby repealed. A copy of the adopted Codes shall be kept in the Office of the City Clerk. (Ord. 576, 12-23-2013, eff. 1-1-2014; amd. Ord. 634, 12-26-2017; Ord. 674, 11-9-2020)
A. Term Of Permit: Any building permit issued by the building official or building inspector shall be valid for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days. All work contemplated to be done in accordance with the permit shall be completed within that one hundred eighty (180) day period.
B. Expiration: If the project for which the permit was issued remains uncompleted at the time the permit expires, no additional work shall be resumed until a new permit is issued by the building official or building inspector.
C. First Extension: If any portion of the project is completed at the time of expiration, an additional permit shall be issued, without charge, to allow completion. The additional permit shall be good for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days and shall be designated as a first extension.
D. Second Extension: If the project is not completed within the additional one hundred eighty (180) day period, the project shall be abandoned and the site restored to its original condition. Provided, however, if after the expiration of the first extension period, a substantial portion of the work is completed, another one hundred eighty (180) day permit shall be issued for a second extension. If after the expiration of the second extension, the work is not completed, the work will be abandoned and the site restored to its original condition. No further work will be commenced, initiated or continued unless and until an application is presented to, and, after hearing, approved by the City Council. The City Council shall have the right to reject the application, approve, or approve the application with any conditions which it may deem appropriate for the best interest of the citizens of the City.
E. Terms Defined:
BUILDING PERMIT: Shall be synonymous with use permit.
SUBSTANTIAL: Twenty five percent (25%) or more of the projected project.
F. Commercial, Industrial Structures:
1. No building permit for a commercial or industrial structure shall be issued until a plan review has been conducted by the building official. There shall be two (2) types of plan reviews: one review will be for construction purposes and the other shall be for fire and life safety purposes. There shall be no fee for a plan review for commercial and industrial building construction.
2. A fire and life safety plan review shall include, but not be limited to, fire alarm systems, Fire Code compliance, fire sprinkler systems, overhead pressure tests, rough in, fire suppression systems, hose connections, commercial hood fire systems, firewalls and other fire or life safety related construction. There shall be no fee for any fire and life safety plan review.
3. Applications for which no permit is issued within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of receipt of application shall expire and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building official. The building official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) calendar days on request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. Without City Council approval, no application shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee. (1984 Code § 4-5-1)
G. Civil Penalty: Any person who shall build or commence construction of any building or structure without first obtaining a building permit shall be subject to and shall pay a civil penalty in an amount equal to twice the cost of the permit fee. This fee shall be paid before a permit is issued. (Ord. 576, 12-23-2013, eff. 1-1-2014)
Fees to enforce the provisions of this chapter shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The City Council shall establish a permit fee schedule, which schedule shall reflect the fees which are to be charged. The fee schedule shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk and in the office of the building inspector or building official, and shall be made available to the public upon request. (1984 Code § 4-1-2; amd. 2014 Code)