General Provisions
31.001 Effect of chapter regulations
31.002 Appointments and elections
31.003 Terms of office; vacancies
31.004 Termination of office, deliver property
31.005 Powers and duties
31.006 Oath
31.007 Bond
31.008 Salaries
31.009 Offenses against officers
Village President
31.020 Election, term
31.021 Powers and duties
31.022 Bond
31.023 Salary
31.024 President Pro Tem
Village Clerk
31.035 Establishment of office; appointment; term
31.036 Bond and salary
31.037 Powers and duties
31.038 Records and reports
31.039 Custodian of documents
31.040 FOIA Officer
Village Treasurer
31.055 Appointment
31.056 Powers and duties
31.057 Bond
31.058 Salary
Village Attorney
31.070 Creation of office, appointment
31.071 Powers and duties
Budget Officer
31.085 Adoption of annual budget
31.086 Appointment, powers and duties
31.087 Computation of annual budget
31.088 Public inspection, notice and hearing on budget
31.089 Revision of annual budget
(A) Employees shall be selected by the President, with the advice and consent of the Village Board. The President, with the consent of the Village Board, shall make the following and any other appointments to fill all appointive offices:
(1) Attorney;
(2) Budget officer;
(3) Emergency services;
(4) Planning Commission members;
(5) Treasurer; and
(6) Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-2)
Every officer of the village, upon the termination of his or her office, for any cause whatsoever, shall deliver to his or her successor all books and records which may be the property of the village; and if no successor has been appointed within one week after the termination of office such property shall be delivered either to the Clerk or to the Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-4)
The President shall have the power to assign to any appointive officer any duty which is not assigned by ordinance to some other specific officer; and shall determine disputes or questions relating to the respective powers or duties of officers.
(A) Records. All records kept by any officer of the village shall be open to inspection by the President, or any member of the Village Board at reasonable times, whether or not such records are required to be kept by statute or ordinance.
(B) Monies received. Every officer of the village shall at least once each day turn over all monies received by him or her in his or her official capacity to the Clerk with a statement showing the source from which the same was received.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-5) Penalty, see § 10.99
Every officer of the village, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, whether elected or appointed, shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by statute (65 ILCS 5/3.1-10-25). Said oath, so subscribed shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-6)
(A) Bonds for officers. Every officer shall, if required by the Village Board, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, give a bond in such amount as may be determined by the Village Board and with such sureties as it may approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his or her office or position.
(B) Surety bonds.
(1) Whenever a surety bond to indemnify the village is required as a prerequisite to exercising the duties of any office or position, or to the issuance of a license or permit or for the exercise of any special privilege, the surety on such bond shall be a corporation licensed and authorized to do business in this state as a surety company, or an individual approved as surety by the Village Board, in the absence of specific provision to the contrary by ordinance.
(2) Whenever in its opinion additional sureties or an additional surety may be needed on any bond to indemnify the village against any loss or liability because of the insolvency of the existing surety or sureties or for any other reason, the Village Board may order a new surety or sureties to be secured for such bond
(3) If such new surety or sureties are not procured within ten days from the time such order is transmitted to the principal on the bond, or his or her assignee, the Village Board shall declare the bond to be void, and thereupon such principal or assignee, shall be deemed to have surrendered the privilege or position as condition of which the bond was required.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-7)
All officers and employees of the village shall receive such salaries as may be provided from time to time by resolution. No officer or employee receiving a salary from the village shall be entitled to retain any portion of any fees collected by him or her in the performance of his or her duties as municipal officer or employee in the absence of a specific ordinance to that effect.
(Prior Code, § 1-8-8)