   Ordinances, resolutions, statements, orders, proclamations, notices, and reports of the city, required by law or ordinance to be published, shall be published by posting copies thereof in the five most public places, as determined by the City Council, in the city as follows:
   (A)   Forest Park Municipal Building, enclosed protected bulletin board, 1201 West Kemper Road, Forest Park, Ohio 45240.
   (B)   PNC Bank, 1180 Smiley Avenue (Parkwood Plaza), Forest Park, Ohio 45240.
   (C)   Public Library, Forest Park Branch, Sharon and Waycross Roads, Forest Park, Ohio 45240.
   (D)   Main Street Market, Forest Park Plaza, Forest Park, Ohio, 45240.
   (E)   Public Library, North Central Branch, Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati (Colerain Township), Ohio 45240.
   (F)   If the State of Ohio should declare a state of emergency for disease control and prevention, or if such emergency is declared and to be effective within the State of Ohio as determined by the federal branch of government, the Clerk of Council is hereby granted the authority to determine the best method of posting such public notices to include, but not exclusively, an emergency change of posting locations by deletion of any of the above specified public places with replacement by posting at other public places to include, but not exclusively, the Municipal Building, Fire Department and Cohn Station. Postings done in other public places to include, but not exclusively, the Municipal Building, Fire Department and Cohn Station. Postings done in accordance with any declared state of emergency shall remain effective until said state of emergency is concluded.
(Ord. 18-1972, passed 4-3-72; Am. Ord. 8-1983, passed 2-22-83; Am. Ord. 2-1987, passed 1-5-87; Am. Ord. 8-1988, passed 2-15-88; Am. Ord. 27-1992, passed 11-16-92; Am. Ord. 08-1994, passed 4-4-94; Am. Ord. 04-2004, passed 4-5-04; Am. Ord. 05-2007, passed 3-19-07; Am. Ord. 17-2007, passed 5-21-07; Am. Ord. 03-2011, passed 3-21-11; Am. Ord. 01-2020, passed 2-3-20; Am. Ord. 05-2020, passed 3-17-20)
   (A)   The specific safety requirements of the Industrial Commission of Ohio relating to construction, effective April 1, 1968, as may be amended from time to time is adopted by the city, and the same is incorporated by reference, the same as if fully set forth herein. A copy of the requirements shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the city, together with a copy of this adopting ordinance.
   (B)   Where the text of the requirements refers to the state or a specific official other than city officials, such terms shall be held to mean the proper official of the city charged with the enforcement of the requirements, as determined by the city.
   (C)   All future changes and amendments published by the State of Ohio Industrial Commission shall become a part of the requirements herein adopted, unless changed by ordinance of the city.
   (D)   Any person or firm violating the terms of this section shall be fined not more than $50. Any continued violation of the specific safety requirements, after notice of a stop work order is issued, shall constitute a separate offense; and a fine of $100 shall be imposed for each day the violation continues.
(Ord. 9-1969, passed 3-17-69)
§ 30.04 (RESERVED).
   (A)   The Director of Finance is authorized to set up cash change drawers not to exceed $1,000. The cash drawers will be held by the directors of each department for the direct disbursement of money necessary for change to the Mayor's Court, Finance Department, Tax Office, Community Development, Building Department, Public Works, Stormwater Utility Management, and Recreation.
   (B)   The Director of Finance is authorized to establish a petty cash fund not to exceed $300. This fund will be maintained in the Finance Department for operational expenses incurred that are less than $20, or for costs where a procurement card is not cost efficient.
(Ord. 2-1970, passed 1-5-70; Am. Ord. 21-1984, passed 6-18-84; Am. Ord. 08-2021, passed 6-7-21)
   (A)   The signature of the Finance Director, City Manager, or their designate shall be required on all checks and other official papers pertaining to finance.
   (B)   The Clerk of Council shall certify a copy of this section to the municipal depository along with the identities and signatures of the persons entitled to sign checks and other official papers and to notify the depository of any change in identity of the persons in either position.
   (C)   The temporary City Manager and temporary Finance Director (Treasurer) appointed by the first Council under the Charter shall be deemed to have the authority given under this section as if permanently appointed.
(Ord. 66-1969, passed 12-1-69; Am. Ord. 18-1984, passed 6-18-84)
   (A)   Procedures for return of refundable permit fees, bonds, and deposits are provided in Chapter 156, Comprehensive Fee Schedule.
   (B)   No refunds will be made of any and all claims for refund from any department or branch of the city if the amount claimed equals $5 or less. The foregoing not withstanding, the city manager is granted the discretionary authority to order a refund, including but not limited to an amount of $5 or less, where deemed to be reasonable and appropriate.
(Ord. 41-1964, passed 11-6-64; Am. Ord. 9-1986, passed 5-5-86; Am. Ord. 03-2006, passed 3-6-06)
   Inspection fees are provided in Chapter 156, Comprehensive Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 7-1975, passed 2-3-75; Am. Ord. 25-1978, passed 9-5-78; Am. Ord. 9-1986, passed 5-5-86)
   (A)   The City Manager is authorized to issue a stop work order in connection with the construction of any street, sidewalk, sewer, or other engineering work within the city at any time when the construction is not in accordance with the plans, specifications, laws, or ordinances.
   (B)   Stop work orders shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the contractor or person in charge at the site of the work. The effect of a stop work order shall be the temporary suspension of any permit which may have been issued for the performance of the work. A stop work order shall remain in full force and effect until it has been withdrawn in writing by the appropriate city official.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any contractor or person in charge of any work force within the city to permit any further work to be done in connection with which a stop work order has been issued until such time as the order has been withdrawn.
   (D)   Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $500. Each day any work is performed in violation of a stop work order shall be deemed a separate offense.
(Ord. 19-1963, passed 4-16-63)
   (A)   All boards, commissions, committees, agencies, authorities, and other decision-making bodies in the city shall establish by rule a reasonable method whereby any person may determine the time and place of all regularly scheduled meetings, and the time, place, and purpose of all special meetings. These bodies shall notify the City Manager, at least one month in advance of the date for all regularly scheduled meetings, and shall further notify the City Manager at least 24 hours in advance of all special meetings, and provide him with a copy of the agendas for all regularly scheduled and special meetings at least 24 hours in advance.
   (B)   The City Manager is authorized to establish a reasonable charge for advance notification of any or all regularly scheduled and special meetings of public bodies of the city to those individuals and organizations who request notice, and may also establish a reasonable charge for mailing agendas of any meetings to those who request them. These reasonable charges shall be based upon the cost incurred by the city to provide notices and agendas, and separate reasonable charges shall be determined for those who furnish the city with self-addressed, stamped envelopes for mailing the notices and agendas.
   (C)   Notice of all regular and special meetings shall be posted by the Clerk of Council at the official posting places in the city. Notice of special meetings and changes in regular meeting dates shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the time and date set for the public meeting.
(Res. 31-1975, passed 12-1-75)