Police Department
32.01 Adoption of Police Department regulations by reference
32.02 Probationary period
32.03 Vehicle equipment
Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department
32.20 Establishment
32.21 Merger of pre-existing departments
32.22 Adoption of rules and regulations
32.23 Citation officers
32.24 Reimbursement for volunteer members
32.25 Standards for training and promotions within the Fire/EMS Department
City to provide defense against prosecution for city officials, employees, and volunteers, see § 31.01
There is adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the efficient operation and regulation of the Police Department, the City of Florence Police Department Rules and Regulations, except such portions as are hereafter deleted, modified, or amended.
(Ord. O-9-83, passed 2-22-83; Am. Ord. O-01-02, passed 1-15-02)