42.01 General investment policy
42.02 Scope
42.03 Investment objectives
42.04 Investment authority
42.05 Standards of care
42.06 Authorized financial institutions, depositories, and brokers/dealers
42.07 Safekeeping and custody
42.08 Suitable and authorized investments
42.09 Investment parameters
42.10 Performance standards/evaluation
42.11 Reporting/disclosure
42.12 Policy considerations
It is the policy of the City of Florence, Kentucky (“city”) to invest public funds in a manner which will provide the maximum security and highest investment of principle while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the city in accordance with KRS 91A.060 and KRS 66.480. This investment policy applies to all financial assets held directly by the city. These financial assets shall be accounted for in the city’s annual financial report and included in the city’s investment fund accounts.
(Ord. O-1-2024, passed 2-6-24)
(A) This investment policy applies to all financial assets held directly by the city. These financial assets are accounted for in the city’s annual financial report and include all moneys in the following funds:
(1) General Fund.
(2) Special Revenue Fund.
(3) Capital Projects Fund.
(4) Enterprise Fund.
(5) Agency Fund.
(6) Any new fund created by the city.
(B) Financial assets of the city held and invested by trustees or fiscal agents are excluded from these policies; however, such assets shall be invested in accordance with state laws applicable to the investment of local government funds and in accordance with the city’s primary investment objectives.
(Ord. O-1-2024, passed 2-6-24)
The city’s primary investment objectives, in order of priority, are the following:
(A) Statutory compliance. At all times, the city’s investment portfolio shall maintain strict compliance with all statutory requirements, including but not limited to KRS 91A.060 and KRS 66.480.
(B) Safety. Safety of principle is the foremost objective of the city's investment program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The goal is to mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk.
(C) Liquidity. The city’s investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to enable the city to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated.
(D) Return on investment. The city’s investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout the budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the city’s investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio.
(Ord. O-1-2024, passed 2-6-24)