General Provisions
90.001 Purpose
90.002 Definitions
90.003 Be a responsible pet owner
90.004 Enforcement
90.005 Contracting for care
Keeping Animals
90.020 Allowable animals
90.021 Number of animals
90.022 Running at large
90.023 Cruelty and abandonment
90.024 Defecation removal
90.025 Rabid animals and disease transmission
90.026 Poison
Licenses, Tags, and the Like
90.040 License
90.041 Fees and tags
90.042 Immunizations
90.043 Immunization tags
Vicious Animals
90.055 Who may declare
90.056 Willful trespass
90.057 Notification
90.058 Compliance and prosecution
90.059 Animals off premises
90.060 Kennel standards
90.061 Insurance and licensing
90.062 Impoundment and euthanization
Rabid Animals
90.075 Report of suspected cases
90.076 Impoundment for observation
90.077 Destruction of rabid animals
90.999 Penalty