1274.01 Intent.
1274.02 Use regulations.
1274.03 Height exceptions.
1274.04 Setbacks; reduction or use by another building.
1274.05 B District area requirements.
1274.06 Design criteria.
1274.07 Reserved.
1274.08 Site plans.
1274.09 Compliance with sanitary regulations required.
1274.10 Signs.
1274.11 Exterior display or sale of products.
1274.12 Reserved.
1274.13 Parking setbacks.
Pending applications for building permits - see P. & Z. 1248.07
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
(a) Limited business, retail business, general business and office park/research districts and their regulations are established herein in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(1) To provide appropriate and convenient locations, for zoning districts of sufficient size for the exchange of goods and services and other business activities;
(2) To provide limited business districts to serve the need for office and quasi-public uses which do not attract large volumes of traffic;
(3) To provide retail business districts which may require larger land area, and which may be open in evenings and generate large volumes of traffic while serving the need for shopping and convenience goods and services of the entire community;
(4) To provide general business districts in proximity to the intersection of major arterial streets and freeway interchanges to serve the personal needs of motorists, and to provide facilities for the serving of vehicles;
(5) To establish criteria and procedures for planned business areas so they may be coordinated with surrounding developments;
(6) To protect adjacent residential neighborhoods by regulating the types and spacing of business uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which would create hazards, noise, odors or other or other objectionable influences;
(7) To promote the most desirable land use and traffic patterns in accordance with the objectives and the comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, and altered, moved, or maintained in Business Districts only for the uses set forth in Schedule 1274.02.
(a) Uses Permitted By Right. A use listed in Schedule 1274.02
shall be permitted by right as a principal use in a district when denoted by the letter “P” provided that all requirements of other city ordinances and this Zoning Code have been met;
(b) Conditional Uses. A use listed in Schedule 1274.02
shall be permitted as a conditional use in a district when denoted by the letter “C”, provided the Planning Commission first makes the determination that the requirements of Chapter 1287 have been met according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1241;
(c) Accessory Uses. A use listed in Schedule 1274.02
shall be permitted as an accessory use in a district when denoted by the letter “A” provided that the requirements of all other City ordinances and this Zoning Code have been met.
B-4 Office Park/ Research District | B-4A Office Park/ Research District | B-1 Limited Business District | B-2 Retail Business District | B-3 Business District |
B-4 Office Park/ Research District | B-4A Office Park/ Research District | B-1 Limited Business District | B-2 Retail Business District | B-3 Business District | |
Office and Professional Services | |||||
1 Office, Administrative/ Business/Professional | P | P | P | P | P |
2 Offices, Medical/Dental | P | P | P | P | P |
3 Urgent Care | C | C | C | ||
4 Banks | A(b) | A(b) | C | P | P |
5 Hospitals | C | ||||
6 Speciality Hospitals | P | ||||
7 Laboratories - research and testing | P | P | P | ||
8 Schools, Specialty/Personal Instruction | C | C | C | C | C |
Retail and Services | |||||
1 Retail establishments | P | P | |||
2 Service establishments - Personal | A(a) | A(a) | A | P | P |
3 Restaurants - sit down | A(b) | A(b) | C | P | |
4 Restaurants - counter service | A(b) | A(b) | A | C | P |
5 Night Club | C | C | |||
6 Funeral homes, mortuaries | C | P | |||
7 Health Club | A | A | C | P | P |
8 Drive-thru services | C | C | C | ||
9 Outdoor display (such as landscaping materials and cemetery monuments) | A | A | |||
10 Outdoor Storage | C | C | |||
11 Kennels | C | ||||
12 Day Care Facility, adult and/or children | C | C | P | P | |
Lodging | |||||
1 Hotels and motels | C | C | |||
Automotive/Transportation | |||||
1 Automobile sales and service | P | ||||
2 Vehicle Repair Garage | C | C | |||
3 Automobile Service Station | C | C | |||
4 Car wash | C | C | |||
5 Park and Ride Facility | C | C | |||
6 Gasoline Station | C | C | |||
Entertainment/Recreation | |||||
1 Commercial recreation, Indoors | C | C | |||
2 Commercial Recreation, Outdoors | C | C | |||
3 Membership Clubs | C | C | |||
Community Facilities/Other | |||||
1 Cultural Institutions | C | C | C | C | C |
2 Utility substation/distribution facility, indoor & outdoor | C | C | C | C | C |
Accessory Uses | |||||
1 Storage | A | A | A | A | A |
2 Signs | A | A | A | A | A |
3 Off-street parking | A | A | A | A | A |
4 Loading | A | A | A | A | A |
5 Parking garages | A | A | C | ||
6 Cafeterias and lunch rooms | A | A | |||
7 Backup generators | A | A | A | A | A |
8 Outdoor display | A | A | A | A | A |
9 Supporting services(a) | A | A | |||
10 Portable Storage Container | C | C | |||
(a) As further regulated by Subsection 1283.02(b)(5) (b) As further regulated by Subsection 1283.02(b)(6) | |||||
P = Use permitted by right; C = Conditional use; A = Accessory use; Blank cell = Use not permitted in district | |||||
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11; Ord. 2019-037. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) In B-1, B-2, and B-3 Districts, the height of the building may be increased to a total of fifty (50) feet, subject to the approval of the Chief of the Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Services, and the Planning Commission.
(b) The Chief of the Division of Fire and Emergency Rescue Service shall base such approval on a finding that the following conditions have been met:
(1) The standpipes have been or will be installed on each floor pursuant to OBC and OFC specifications;
(2) That fire hydrants have been or will be installed to meet the required fire flow established by Insurance Service Offices (ISO);
(3) The access to the building and clearance to canopies and other overhead structures shall be as specified by the Fire Chief.
(c) The Planning Commission shall base their approval on a finding that:
(1) The increased height limitations are in conformity with the general plan of the City.
(2) The increased height is compatible with surrounding uses.
(3) The applicant will provide adequate screening and landscaping so as to provide an aesthetically acceptable appearance.
(4) The applicant will provide a detailed plan for the facade and put forth a construction proposal that will provide as much light and air as possible to the neighborhood property owner.
(5) Other considerations and provisions that the Planning Commission deems appropriate for the public safety, welfare and health have been or will be complied with.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
(a) No lot, yard, setback, court, parking area or other open space shall be so reduced in area or dimensions as to make any such area or dimensions less than the minimum required by this Zoning Code; if already less than the minimum required it shall not be further reduced. No required open space or setback provided about any building or structure shall be included as a part of any open space or setback required for another building or structure.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
(a) Minimum open space within all B Districts shall not be less than indicated in Schedule 1274.05. Required open space shall meet the conditions in Section 1296.09, and may be met by either Type A or Type B open space types.
District | Type A Open Space | Type B Open Space |
B-1 | 30% Site Area Gross | 1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint |
B-2 | 30% Site Area Gross | 1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint |
B-3 | 30% Site Area Gross | 1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint |
B-4 | 30% Site Area Gross | 1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint |
B-4A | 30% Site Area Gross | 1 s.f. of open space per 10 s.f. of building footprint |
(Ord. 2017-061. Passed 11-20-17; Ord. 2019-037. Passed 9-16-19.)
(a) The purpose of this section is to ensure quality development in all Business Districts. To achieve this end, the building design and site design shall be subject to the site plan review process in accordance with Chapter 1240 of this Zoning Code. In reviewing such applications, the Planning Commission shall determine that the applicant has complied with following design criteria:
(1) Building Considerations.
A. Design. Except for all-glass buildings, large expanses of blank walls shall be avoided. Blank walls are generally characterized by the use of a single wall material and/or all elements of the wall being on the same plane. Blank walls may be avoided by use of, but not limited to, the following:
1. Using windows and architectural details for emphasis.
2. Breaks and fluctuations in the overall rhythm of a building, which are used to draw attention to important areas such as the entry, or simply to relieve the monotony or uniformity of an otherwise blank facade.
3. Using multiple and contrasting building materials. However, the number of materials used should be kept to a minimum so as not to compete for attention and create a visually confusing building design.
4. Recessing windows slightly or expressing the building's structure to allow sunlight and shade to create a more three (3)-dimensional appearance.
B. Materials.
1. Materials shall be used that contribute to the character of the area. Examples of such contributing materials include:
a. Glass-mirrored, transparent and/or reflective;
b. Brick, not less than three (3) inches thick;
c. Stone and other natural material;
d. Veneers of suitable materials not less than three (3) inches thick; and marble and similar materials shall be not less than one and one-half (1-1/2) inches thick;
e. Exposed concrete (poured in place or precast) or steel when used and designed to convey the structure of the building.
2. Conversely, the following materials are not consistent with the intended character of the Business Districts and are considered inappropriate for use:
a. Stucco/insulation systems or similar materials unless such materials are utilized as an accent with belt courses, joints, contrasting materials, exposed structural elements, or similar design features and only comprise a small percentage of the building surfaces; and
b. Unfinished and industrial type materials such as exterior insulated finishes and standing seam or ribbed metal siding unless such materials are part of a roof structure or architectural feature and the use of the materials is otherwise consistent with the overall quality and character of the building design; and
c. Concrete masonry block whether painted or unpainted, except that decorative concrete masonry units four (4) scores or more may be used in the same locations as in B.1. above; and
d. Exposed concrete (poured in place or precast) or steel except when these materials are part of the buildings structure pursuant to B.1.e above.
3. The design and materials on the sides and rear of the proposed building should be substantially consistent in the quality of materials and design given to the main or street frontage.
4. Materials should be selected and used in combination with other materials to reasonably assure that rusting, soiling, staining, streaking or similar types of discoloration or deterioration does not occur.
C. Colors. Bright or primary colors and other colors that are in stark contrast to other buildings in the area should be avoided as the principal building color.
D. Additions. The design, colors and materials used for additions to buildings should be guided by the existing work to which it is attached or associated.
E. Parking Structures. The design and materials of parking structures should be similar to and complement those of the principal building.
F. Appurtenant and Accessory Structures. Mechanical equipment and other similar appurtenant or accessory structures shall be located to minimize the impact on the building and the community.
1. Air-conditioning units, condenser elements, antennas, and other mechanical equipment shall not be located on the front of the building.
2. Mechanical equipment on the ground shall be screened in accordance with subsection 1296.07(b), or housed in a structure that is constructed with materials that are similar to and compatible with the materials used on the principal building as approved by the Planning Commission.
3. Mechanical equipment attached to the side or placed on the roof of a building, including heating vents, shall be kept as low as possible and shall be screened with materials that are similar to and compatible with the background. When placed on the roof of the building the mechanical equipment should be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the edge of the roof.
(2) Site Design. To create a unified development area, a single consistent material or a complementary pattern of materials should be used for all walkways and pedestrian paths. Likewise, similar styles of street furniture, light poles and other site amenities should be used throughout the district the structure is located in.
A. Access. When feasible, shared driveways serving multiple buildings are encouraged to limit the number of curb cuts and provide greater areas for street landscaping and shared signage.
B. Walkways and Pedestrian Paths. Walkways and pedestrian paths, which are required pursuant to Section 1283.05
(e) shall also comply with the following:
1. Paths shall be separated from vehicular ways.
2. Whenever a walkway or pedestrian path intersects with or crosses through a parking lot, the walking path should be delineated with stripes, painting or contrasting materials to differentiate the walking path from the parking lot.
3. Paths shall be constructed with high quality materials such as concrete, brick, or stamped concrete. However, when the path is proposed as an informal walkway, either extending in and around the natural areas on the site and/or connecting with any adjacent natural or recreation areas, the Planning Commission may approve a gravel or similar soft surface path when constructed to the City's specifications.
C. Outdoor Plazas.
1. Such areas should include amenities such as chairs, tables, benches, fountains, decorative walls and light poles.
2. Such areas should be lit in the evening. Lighting should be kept at a low level and should not disturb adjacent residential properties.
3. The use of landscaping in connection with an outdoor plaza is encouraged. Such landscaping may be located along the perimeter of the plaza to create the illusion of a more intimate setting.
D. Street Furniture, Lighting and Other Similar Amenities.
1. Benches, landscaping, trash receptacles and other similar amenities should be located near walkways.
2. Lighting should be located near all walkways and pedestrian paths. Lighting should be provided with decorative fixtures, kept at a low level and designed and located so as not to disturb adjacent residential properties.
3. Light poles should not be more than fourteen (14) feet in height.
E. Fences and Screening Walls. Materials and colors of fences and screening walls should be consistent with its associated building's architectural design.
(Ord. 2018-003. Passed 2-20-18.)