(a) Signs in all “B” districts shall be designed, erected and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the regulations as set forth in Chapter 1298.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
(a) The exterior display or sale of products shall be limited to the B-2 and B-3 Districts and to the locations that comply with the following requirements:
(1) All displays shall be displayed so as not to create a safety hazard to the general public;
(2) Every display area shall contain a walking area that is a minimum of five (5) feet wide in unobstructed width;
(3) Only the business owner of the abutting interior business may place displays on the exterior;
(4) Display areas shall be arranged so that it shall not be necessary for customers or persons to walk in vehicle driving areas in order to inspect the goods or pass the displays;
(5) Parking lots, and landscape areas, and parking setbacks shall not be used for exterior displays or sale of products;
(6) Any proposed exterior display or sale of products shall be approved pursuant to the Site Plan Review Procedures in accordance with Chapter 1240.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)
(a) Schedule 1274.13 Minimum Parking Setbacks. In the B-1, B-2, and B-3 Districts, off-street parking shall be located in compliance with the minimum setbacks, measured from the street right-of-way or property line, as specified below unless otherwise noted in this Zoning Code.
B-1, B-2, B-3 Districts | |
(1) Minimum Setback from Street ROW | 25 feet |
(2) Setback from Side and Rear Lot line abutting nonresidential district | 10 feet |
(3) Setback from Side and Rear Lot line abutting residential district | 20 feet(a) |
(a) As further regulated by Section 1274.13(b) |
(b) Exception to Parking Setback Abutting Residential. The Planning Commission may grant an exception to this requirement where necessary due to the shallow depth of the parcel, the location of mature trees or other significant environmental features, the location of existing buildings/structures, the proximity of residential uses, or other similar circumstances.
(c) The area within the parking setback shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1296, Landscaping, Screening, and Open Space Regulations.
(Ord. 2010-059. Passed 3-7-11.)