(a) Fees for permits for the construction, extension, alteration or repair of any building or structure shall conform to the following table. For the purpose of determining permit fee, the estimated value of construction for the new buildings and additions shall be at least equivalent to the cost of construction for similar use groups and construction types as they are reported by the International Code Council.
Cost of Work to be Done | Fee |
Less than $5,000.00 |
$ 45.00 |
$5,000.01 to $250,000.00 |
45.00 plus
7.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $5,000 |
$250,000.01 to $1,000,000 |
1,760.00 plus
4.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $250,000 |
$1,000,000 up |
4,760.00 plus
3.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $1,000,000 |
(Ord. 17-07. Passed 5-7-07.)
Permit fees for demolition of residential building or structure shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). Permit fees for demolition of commercial building or structure shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus five dollars ($5.00) for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of total floor area of a building, or projected gross area of a structure, using outside dimensions. In computing total floor area, the floor areas of each story, except basement, shall be added together, using outside dimensions. A separate permit shall be required for each separate building or structure.
(Ord. 47-09. Passed 1-21-10.)
(Ord. 47-09. Passed 1-21-10.)
(a) The fee for a replacement copy of certificate of use and occupancy for an existing building where there is no change of occupancy or inspection necessary shall be five dollars ($5.00).
(b) The fee for a certificate of use and occupancy for an existing building when a change in the class of occupancy is involved but no permit for renovation is required shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) and includes an inspection.
(c) When a permit is required to facilitate a new occupancy or a change in occupancy the Building Inspector shall upon completion of the final inspection of the premises issue a certificate of use and occupancy. There shall be no additional charge for the certificate of occupancy.
(Ord. 39-06. Passed 11-6-06.)
Where a permit is required for a particular type of work and such work is commenced on a project before taking out a permit, the Building Inspector shall ascertain whether the work performed prior to the permit date and inspection conforms to the Building Code requirements as prescribed.
The fee for making such necessary investigations prior to issuance of a permit shall be equal to the fee for the permit and shall be in addition thereto, but in no event shall such investigation fee exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with Building Code requirements in the execution of the work, nor from any penalty prescribed.
(Ord. 39-06. Passed 11-6-06.)
When any person shall desire an inspection and/or report for any existing building or part thereof, or other special services, a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour or portion thereof shall be charged for such inspection or services, report preparation, or other requested presentations.
(Ord. 39-06. Passed 11-6-06.)
Permit fees provide for customary inspections only. Where additional inspections or trips are made necessary by incomplete or faulty work, or because of an incorrect address given or failure to keep an appointment, or for similar reasons, no fee shall be charged for the first reinspection but a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) may be charged at the discretion of the Building Inspector for each additional such reinspection or extra trip.
(Ord. 39-06. Passed 11-6-06.)