1311.01 General provisions; fees not specifically provided for.
1311.02 Permits required.
1311.03 Building construction, alteration or repair permits.
1311.04 Demolition permits.
1311.05 Moving building permits.
1311.06 Certificates of use and occupancy.
1311.07 Commencing work prior to permit issuance.
1311.08 Special and safety inspections.
1311.09 Reinspection.
1311.10 Electrical permit fees.
1311.11 Electrical; reinspection fee.
1311.12 Commencing of work prior to issuance of electrical permit.
1311.13 Mechanical permit fees.
1311.14 Mechanical reinspection fee.
1311.15 Plan review fee.
1311.16 Refunds.
1311.99 Penalty.
Fees for plan approval - see Ohio R.C. 3791.07
Application to structures covered by Ohio Basic Building Code - see BLDG. 1301.03
Flood hazard area development permit - see BLDG. 1361.03
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the methods of computing fees for permits, certificates and inspections required for the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use, location, occupancy and maintenance of all classes of buildings and structures and their service equipment, whether existing or proposed.
(Ord. 39-06. Passed 11-6-06.)
(a) A building permit shall be required for any of the following types of work:
(1) Any new structure, addition or other roofed area, except one-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed two hundred (200) square feet.
(2) Any remodeling where one of the following are involved:
A. Bearing partitions are installed, removed or altered;
B. Partitions are installed, removed or altered so as to affect egress or an occupancy change;
C. Partitions are installed, removed or altered so as to affect heating or electrical runs.
D. Replacement of the dry wall or covering of interior walls.
(3) Any new fireplace, wood stove or chimney installation.
(4) Any new or altered stairway.
(5) Any new basements or basement enlargements or basement finishing as habitable space.
(6) Any new masonry façade installations.
(7) Any new retaining wall, over four (4) foot in height.
(8) Any change in occupancy including the addition of new apartment units in an existing structure.
(9) Decks.
(10) Fire suppression system.
(11) Smoke detection or fire alarm system.
A. Above ground pool that will hold contains water over twenty-four (24) inches deep.
B. All in ground pools.
(14) Television towers and satellite dish antennae; wireless telecommunication facilities as defined and further regulated by Chapter 1127 of the Zoning Code.
(15) Tents - for assembly use.
(b) An electrical permit shall be required for any of the following types of work:
(1) Any extension or alteration of an existing electrical circuit.
(2) Any installation of a new electrical circuit.
(3) Any installation or alteration of the service equipment.
(c) A heating permit shall be required for any of the following types of work:
(1) Any extension or alteration of air ducts. [Remodel Only]
(2) Any replacement of heating or cooling equipment.
(3) Any installation of new or additional heating or cooling equipment.
(4) Fuel Gas piping in Commercial or Residential construction as covered in the Ohio Building Code and the Residential Code of Ohio.
(5) Any exhaust systems for garages, kitchen hoods or similar systems.
(Ord. 11-10. Passed 5-20-10.)
(a) Fees for permits for the construction, extension, alteration or repair of any building or structure shall conform to the following table. For the purpose of determining permit fee, the estimated value of construction for the new buildings and additions shall be at least equivalent to the cost of construction for similar use groups and construction types as they are reported by the International Code Council.
Cost of Work to be Done | Fee |
Less than $5,000.00 |
$ 45.00 |
$5,000.01 to $250,000.00 |
45.00 plus
7.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $5,000 |
$250,000.01 to $1,000,000 |
1,760.00 plus
4.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $250,000 |
$1,000,000 up |
4,760.00 plus
3.00 for each $1,000 cost or fraction thereof in excess of $1,000,000 |
(Ord. 17-07. Passed 5-7-07.)
Permit fees for demolition of residential building or structure shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). Permit fees for demolition of commercial building or structure shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus five dollars ($5.00) for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of total floor area of a building, or projected gross area of a structure, using outside dimensions. In computing total floor area, the floor areas of each story, except basement, shall be added together, using outside dimensions. A separate permit shall be required for each separate building or structure.
(Ord. 47-09. Passed 1-21-10.)
(Ord. 47-09. Passed 1-21-10.)