Off-street parking requirements may be reduced based on the provisions of this section.
   (a)   Approval Authority.
      (1)   The Zoning Commissioner may approve a reduction in required parking spaces by up to 20% when the applicant demonstrates compliance with the factors set forth in division (b) below.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a reduction in required parking spaces by up to 50% as a conditional use in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1368, when the applicant demonstrates compliance with the factors set forth in division (b) below and can further demonstrate in a parking study prepared by a traffic consultant or in parking data from comparable sites provided that:
         A.   The use of transit, demand management programs, and/or special characteristics of the customer, client, employee or resident population will reduce expected vehicle use and parking space demand for this development, as compared to the minimum City parking requirements, and
         B.   The reduction in parking will not impact adjacent uses.
   (b)   Reduction Factors. One or more of the following methods may be utilized to reduce off-street parking requirements:
      (1)   On-street parking spaces. One space for each on-street parking space that is located along the street frontage immediately adjacent to the site of the use. To qualify for this credit, an on-street parking space shall be in compliance with all city parking regulations and shall measure at least 20 feet long if a parallel space.
      (2)   Off-street public parking. One space for each space in a public parking lot located within 500 feet of the use served as measured by the shortest pedestrian pathway between the nearest corner of the lot and the main entrance of the use served.
      (3)   Transit. A 10% reduction shall be permitted for apartment buildings and non-residential uses located within 500 feet of a transit stop as measured by using the shortest pedestrian pathway between the main entrance of the use served and the transit stop.
      (4)   Bicycle spaces. A reduction of one space for every four on-site covered bicycle spaces or one space for every eight on-site uncovered bicycle spaces shall be permitted where employee lockers are also provided on site.
         A.   An additional reduction of one space is permitted for every two employee showers located on site. These reductions shall only be permitted if the applicant can show that there is adequate bicycle access to the site such as bike lanes or sharrows.
         B.   Bicycle parking shall conform to all design standards contained in Section 1389.11.
(Ord. 62-2014. Passed 6-2-14.)