1737.01 Current edition adopted.
1737.02 File and distribution copies.
1737.03 Definitions.
1737.04 Conflict of laws.
1737.05 Amendments.
1737.99 Penalty.
Adoption of technical codes by reference - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
Poles and wires - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 907
Electricity generally - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 927
Required electrical facilities in dwellings - see B. & H. 1755.16
Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by and for the City, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for materials for and the installation of electrical wiring systems for one, two and three-family dwellings and appurtenant structures. NFPA 70, also known as the National Electrical Code, the most current edition thereof, as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, Department of Commerce, Department of Industrial Relations, and published by the National Fire Protection Association, save and except such portions thereof as may be hereinafter amended or deleted. The most current edition will become effective on a date established by the Ohio Board of Building Standards.
(Ord. 22-1999. Passed 2-1-99; Eff. 3-1-99.)
At least one copy of the National Electrical Code, as adopted in Section 1737.01, is on file with the Clerk of Council for inspection by the public. At least one copy is also on file in the County Law Library. In addition, the Clerk of Council shall provide copies to the public, when requested. Copies are to be provided at cost.
(Ord. 22-1999. Passed 2-1-99; Eff. 3-1-99.)
Whenever titles, words and phrases are used in portions of the National Electrical Code, as adopted in Section 1737.01, such terms shall be construed to mean the equivalent officer, word or phrase applicable to the City.
(Ord. 22-1999. Passed 2-1-99: Eff. 3-1-99.)