   Each person intending to operate a used car lot or to sell or display used motor vehicles in the open as a business, shall first file with the Mayor an application for a license. Such application shall be in the form prescribed by the Mayor and shall be signed by the applicant and sworn to.
   The application, in addition to such other information as may be required by the Mayor, shall include the following:
   (a)   The name of the applicant and the location of the principal place of business;
   (b)   The name or style under which the business is to be conducted and, if a corporation, the state of incorporation;
   (c)   The name and address of each owner or partner and, if a corporation, the name of the officers and directors;
   (d)   The location at which the business is to be conducted; and
   (e)   A statement as to whether or not the applicant has previously applied for a license and the result of such application, and whether or not the applicant has ever been the holder of a license which was revoked or suspended. If the applicant is a corporation or copartnership, the statement shall indicate whether or not any of the partners, employees, officers or directors have been refused a license or have been holders of a license which has been revoked or suspended.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)
   With the application for a license to operate a used car lot shall be filed a plot plan of the premises to be used, which shall show the location of signs and structures, and there shall also be filed plans and specifications for such signs and structures.
   In the application, the applicant shall agree that:
   (a)   All temporary structures and all signs shall be removed and the premises cleared upon the vacation of the premises by the licensee, and upon failure to do so, the City may remove the same at the licensee's expense.
   (b)   No repairs to motor vehicles shall be made in the open or in any temporary building.
   (c)   No scrapped or junked motor vehicles, parts or accessories shall be permitted to accumulate or remain on the premises.
   (d)   The continuance of the license shall be conditioned upon compliance by the licensee with the conditions of the application, the approved plans of the Building Commissioner and the ordinances of the City applicable thereto.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)
   The Mayor is authorized and empowered to permit the location on the premises of a used car lot a temporary structure to be used as an office by the licensee and to permit the construction of signs on the premises advertising the licensee's business, in accordance with Chapter 1735 of the Building and Housing Code. The Mayor shall collect such permit fees for such temporary structures or signs as are provided by ordinance for permanent structures or signs.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)
   No motor vehicle shall be displayed by the licensee of a used car lot nearer to the sidewalk than the established building setback line. The licensee shall agree to the grassing and sodding of the area between the sidewalk line and the established building setback line. Entrances and exits shall be constructed and maintained as approved by the Mayor. The applicant shall file with the application a plot plan of the premises and specifications of structures and signs.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)
   The Mayor shall deny the application of any person for a license to operate a used car lot if any of the following is true:
   (a)   The applicant refuses to agree to comply with the conditions of this chapter or any other applicable ordinances of the City.
   (b)   The applicant has made a false statement of a material fact in the application.
   (c)   The applicant has not complied with all of the conditions of this chapter.
   (d)   The applicant has been guilty of a fraudulent act in connection with the selling of or dealing in motor vehicles.
   (e)   The premises on which the applicant proposes to do business are not zoned in a U4, U5 or U6 Use District.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)
   The Mayor is authorized and empowered to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew any license to operate a used car lot, if any ground existed upon which such license might have been refused, or if the licensee fails to comply with the conditions to which the licensee agreed in the application. Notice of suspension or revocation shall be sufficient if left at the premises for which the license is issued.
(Ord. 8963. Passed 6-20-49.)